Turn Auber on and alarm wont shut off. Help!!!


New member
I turn my Auber on and the readout shows H and H on both sides of the screen - Right and Left and the alarm will not shut off.  I have  the Smoker probe permanently installed I tried to Auto Tune using my numbers but this darn alarm will not shut off. My last cook got a bit hot because the Smoke wood caught fire so I am wondering if I could have damaged the probe.

This non stop alarm and not being able to use my smoker is driving me crazy.

Please Help.
-H- on both sides indicates that the Auber isn't reading the probes.  Stick your meat probe into the #1 port or the box probe port and see if it registers a temp.  If it doesn't, either both your probes are toast or the problem is in the Auber itself. 