tryin spares for the first time on Sunday


New member
any suggestions???
First question (of many I am sure) could I put a couple fatties on the top rack and let drip on spares?
Second question, do I prepare them like babybacks?
Gonna start searchin for ideas.
Hey Big Bob,

For my next round of ribs I am going to try Joe's method of applying a bonding agent, dry rub and sauce, then smoke (untouched) for 5 straight hours for back ribs.  I also don't see a problem with putting a fattie on the top rack, the bacon drippings would add an interesting flavour to the ribs.  I may try it myself.  You now have my curiosity going in anticipation of your results.
Yeah Smokster, - I kind of thought that the bacon may help the flavor of those spares... like bacon does with everything else!
Do you know if i need to prepare my spares any differently? or like i do my baby backs??
I agree, bacon flavor can make anything taste good.

I prepare baby backs similar to spareribs, however I do believe that spareribs take a bit longer to cook (5.75 - 6 hours for spares vs 5 hours for baby backs).  Preparation is the same regardless of the type of rib and be sure to remove the membrane from the ribs before you apply your binding agent and rub.
what I have found is basically the same advice- prep like babybacks .... gonna 3-2-1 the spares  after I cut them in half.  throw a couple fatties on early for a snack drip on ribs before I foil...
Big Bob, I like your approach.  Now if only we can find a way to post pics with 'scratch n sniff' to really appreciate our efforts.
I love spares, and hardly ever do babybacks.  The prep I use is to remove the membrane, slather in yellow mustard and my favorite rub, wrap in plastic in the fridge overnight to "get happy."  When they go in the smoker, I sprinkle on a little more rub, throw in about 2-3 oz of hickory/peach or hickory/cherry, set the temp to 225, and not mess with them for about 5/12 hours.  At that point, I'll take a peak for pullback on the bones, and see if they look done.  I always use a water pan full of apple juice on spares, and they come out very moist and tender.  No 2-2-1, 3-2-1, or anything....just let 'em ride!  These smokers really do make some great "Lazy Q!"
Divot, - If I try your approach, can I put a small water pan on bottom of my #2 ? or does it have to take up rack space?

I would suggest the bottom of the unit off to the side and not touching the firebox.  However, I guess putting it on a rack could work as well.
I agree with swthorpe.  When I smoke a pork butt, I put my pan at the bottom of the unit without touching the smoker box.  This has worked well for me.
I forgot to mention that about the water pan...I use disposable aluminum "mini loaf pans" from WalMart.  They are the perfect size to sit next to the firebox on the bottom of the smoker.  I rest it right up against the box to keep it hot, and never have a problem.
I will tell you guys that the Smokin-It Miss Lilly's Flavor Savor" is killer and cleans up easily.  It hands from the lowest rack and is easy to insert and remove.  Very solid construction so for a $20 investment you'll have a reusable-for-a-lifetime water pan that takes up zero "floor" space.
This smoke, Spares 3-2-1... with a couple fatties on top. or... 3-2-1 the spares and 8 armadillo balls on top. may try a scotch egg or two also.

water pan (loaf pan) for next ribs unless I buy the Miss Lilly flavor savor before the next smoke. Thanks Joe and Tony.

I may try the apple (western brand but very dry- looking) I don't wan it to catch fire-- do I just make a little foil bag with fork holes in the top?

FYI, a buddy of mine is shopping for an electric smoker - guess what is #1 on his list?
Divot- the spares turned out great!!! I cut them St. Louis Style myself and did a pretty good job. Lots of meat on a spare. Fed 7 of us with 2 spares ... took the thinner meat out at the 3hour mark when I foiled - ate some and cut the rest up in our green beans. Delicious. However, I am gonna use a water pan next time and do no foiling.... lot of work and I want to see if there is a difference.  I also made a foil packet for some Western Brand Apple Wood about 2 oz. and it worked great.

As far as the armidillo balls, we didn't have room in the #2 with all of the spare meat in there (should have got a #3) so - gonna have to try them as the  plan for this week.

I did have a problem with the maverick. seems like it works great when i have a smaller amount of food in. My clip often falls off of rack and the probe is either dangling or touching something. if one of those probes get a little food/sauce on it - i think it really schews the readings. my light on Smoker was indicating we were right at 225 but my maverick was staying at 205 or below the last hour.
I have posted pictures before ( when my 26 year old daughter was here to help me) i have pictures, but need to remember how she put them on this forum.
Hey Big Bob,

To insert an image, or a few, when you reply to the thread, just under the text box field, click the 'Attachments and other options' link.  The link will expand and you then click on 'Browse'.  At that point, locate the picture you want to upload from the folder where you have saved it and then add the attachment.  If you need to add multiple pictures, then select 'more attachments' as many times as you need to depending on the number of pictures you want to add.  As you select the pictures, you will see the file name within each field. 

Once you are done, and you have typed anything you want to include in the textbox, then you select post which will upload your reply with the pictures attached.  You can also preview before you post.  Hope this helps and we are looking forward to those pictures.
BIG BOB,  Sounds like a great cook and lots of good eats. If you need more room sell your #2 to your buddy and try a #3. The extra room is nice to have! As for the temp. control your maverick may have been correct, on my #3 to cycle between 220 and 230 degrees I have to set my dial one mark under the 250 mark.
Good to hear of your success, Bob!  I found I had to spread the clip on my Maverick just a little to make it hold tight in our shelves.  That way, it'll stay out of the way of the meat drippings.  I think, like many of us, you'll find the liquid pan and no foil method a whole lot more convenient - and easy!  That's what these smokers are all about!  Again....that's why they don't allow our "Lazy Q" smokers in the competitions!  lol ;)
ok thanks guys.... I will work getting the pics from my phone to the computer....

Shomesmoke.... I am not sure - the first part of the cook -  I was set at 225 and my swings were from 247-209 it was loaded with ribs. the last hour -only 4 ribs were left it never got above 213 but swung down to 190. Like I said - I think the mav had sauce on it, so a good cleanin and try some boilin water for temps.

Great Ribs though.

Divot-  I agree about the clip, and my next ribs will be water (loaf) pan and no foil!!!  thanks.