Trouble shooting the #2


New member
How do I know if the heating element or the controller is bad on the #2. Went to fire it up today and nothing, at first I thought it was the Auber so I plugged it in direct and nothing. If the stock controller is bypassed there is no way it could be that is what I'm thinking, when I turn the knob you hear a slight click but she won't light so it's got to be the element, maybe someone has experienced the same thing. The sad part is I had two 7lb. boston butts seasoned in the smoker and ready to go for a baby shower tomorrow. Plan B: Vertical propane it'll work but gotta baby set, Plan C: Stick burner but don't have 20lbs. of wood on hand, I guess it's plan B oh well back to old school for this smoke yuck.....any help would be awesome.
Jim, sorry to hear that!  If your unit is bypassed, it would have to be a bad element, unless you've had a connection come loose in the back.  Did you pull the back panel and make sure you didn't have a power wire, or the bypass connection, come undone?  Barring a bad connection, the only thing it could be is the element.  Stupid question:  Are you certain the outlet it was in is hot?  Never overlook the obvious!
Good question Jim!  Probably one that Steve will have to answer, for certain.  But, I think it will still light with a bad element, due to how it's wired off the power and ground wires.  It can complete the circuit for the light, but may not be getting enough resistance in the element.  I'm sure the resident electricians will correct me on this! ???