Times change and so do I


New member
After 15 years of burning logs, I finally figured out how much bbq I was missing out on just because of the hassle factor.  Cleverly disguised as a present for my wife, I ordered a #2 this morning.  I'm already drooling at the thought of my first project: a 7-lb pork picnic.  Is it next week yet?

Scott, from TX

P.S.  From y'all who have made the wood to electric transition before, are there any common pitfalls to be avoided?
While I didn't come from the stick burning side, the most common one I see is not embracing the Lazy Q style.  Seems like the need to check the meat and mop/sauce/wrap takes a while to shake for some.  These things are set it and forget it till the remote thermometer goes beep.
I think another point is the amount of wood needed to smoke in a SI unit...usually no more than 3-4oz of wood is needed, and only about 6oz for a long smoke like a BB.    You might want to get a kitchen scale to weigh your wood...you may be surprised at how little 3oz of wood is!  Welcome aboard and happy smok'in!  Cheers
Welcome from Texas. +1 on the small amount of wood needed. Cooking by temp instead of sight a close second. No opening the door and peeking. You'll like it. Happy smokin!
Oaktopus said:
Cleverly disguised as a present for my wife, I ordered a #2 this morning. 

Now that made me laugh!!  I can hear it now, when she gives you the "What the???" look:  "Well, if you don't want it, I know someone who does!"  Let us know how that works out for you!! ;) ;D ;D

You'll love the transition!  The hardest part is shaking all the techniques that were designed for traditional smokers, to offset the drying factor of the heat source.  These smokers are incredibly tight, and retain moisture very well, so there's just no need for all the foiling/unfoiling, spritzing, mopping, blah, blah, blah...  The best part is you get to focus on your meat prep and wood selection for the flavor profile you want.  The hardest part is leaving it alone and finding something fun to do while the meat is smoking! ;)
Hi guys ... this is the wife.  ;)

It wasn't actually a surprise, mind you ... and there is no way I would ever give a 'What the???' look over anything that has to do with barbecue.  ;D

Got some pork going now, and it is getting close ... at least, as far as the remote sensor seems to indicate. 

Off now to put together a couple of sauces - an old standby, a Carolina style vinegar sauce, and something new for us, a mustard sauce.
You could always tell her it was an early fathers day gift from you to you. I have used that also but still get the look. Some women are just fisty that way and mine being Colombian. Most of the time is really mellow but after tasting the BBQ just said you should have gotten a bigger one. She is a master cook by trade and could see the wheels turning. Good luck and welcome to the club.
The two hardest things will be using such a small amount of wood and not opening the door. I sometimes still miss the routine of adding wood and moping the meat. Not so much that I would go back to the old ways. SI is the best way to smoke and relax.
Tyarra said:
Hi guys ... this is the wife.  ;)

It wasn't actually a surprise, mind you ... and there is no way I would ever give a 'What the???' look over anything that has to do with barbecue.  ;D

Got some pork going now, and it is getting close ... at least, as far as the remote sensor seems to indicate. 

Off now to put together a couple of sauces - an old standby, a Carolina style vinegar sauce, and something new for us, a mustard sauce.
Hello from Arizona!
Love your sig line, btw :)
Tyarra said:
Hi guys ... this is the wife.  ;)

It wasn't actually a surprise, mind you ... and there is no way I would ever give a 'What the???' look over anything that has to do with barbecue.  ;D

Got some pork going now, and it is getting close ... at least, as far as the remote sensor seems to indicate. 

Off now to put together a couple of sauces - an old standby, a Carolina style vinegar sauce, and something new for us, a mustard sauce.

Ha!!  That's AWESOME!  I love it that you guys are BOTH into smoking meat!  I'm sure looking forward to success stories from "Team Leah and Scott!" ;D
Hope you are still smokin' happy and not in the dog house. ::)  Of course, if my husband gets me a gift from Smokin' It, we're all happy!
Actually my dog won't let me share her house. She is a Min Pin and very protective of her small house and toys...