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I am going to smoke two 8.5 pound pork butts in model 3 at 225.

What would folks estimate the time required will be?

Well, I do butts at 225 and put into the smoker at midnight with probes and off to bed. I start checking around 7 AM. Time is anywhere from 8 to 14 or 15 hours.  Seems odd that one smoke will finish in 8 or 9 hours and another may take 15  hours. I have not yet figured out why but I use a  an instant read beginning at 8 hours just in case the probes are in a fat pocket that has rendered out and left the tip in a void where it cannot read accurately.  I pull if the instant read hits 190 or better and wrap and place in cooler.  As for 2 (or more butts) make sure you probe all.  Not unusual for one to finish earlier than another.
>It should take at least 8 hours, assuming you wrap after 5 hours.

I never wrap... just not worth the waste and effort.  My philosophy is that every time I open the door I just let out smoke, heat, and moisture for no good reason.  It has served me well...