Three butts in model 2


New member
I need to smoke three 8.5 butts/shoulders this weekend in my model two. Do I need to allow any additional time beyond the 1.5 to 2 hours per pound at 235 degrees?
I’ve done two in my #2 with no noticeable time difference.  I consistently see 2 hrs per pound cooking butts that size at 225, so that’s my baseline.  I doubt you’ll see any difference at 235.

Enjoy, that’s a lot of pulled pork!!
I agree with Jim to allow 2 hours per pound on one of the butts, not the combined weight.  If they are all of the same weight, then your should be OK.  However, I am not sure if you can actually fit 3 butts in the #2, so that may be a challenge.  I have done two in my #2, but not 3.  Good luck!
Thanks for the replies. I've got two on one rack, it was tight, but they fit. I plan on rotating them a couple of times. There's a post on here about someone doing 4 in a model 2, but I didn't see anything about how long it took.
If you’re going to be opening the smoker a number of times to rotate, I’d add some time to your total.  Post a pic of all that meat in a #2!
I would recommend that you do not plan to rotate them, opening the smoker really slows down the process, sometimes dramatically.
If they are on the same rack, dont rotate. If 2 of different size, place larger one on lower rack. If they were on seperate racks & of similar size, rotating would make more sense. If the butts are pressed up against one another they will cook like a single piece of meat. If there is airflow between them, they will cook like 2 individual pieces. I.e. theoretically  two 7.5lb butts could take 15 or 30 hours depending on if pressed together or not.  I hope this helps. Good luck.