This Newbie Needs Patience


New member
Well after a couple of months of research and reading this forum, I finally bought the SI #1 yesterday.  Now I I am in Germany until mid-August and then will be returning stateside for a few weeks at which time I intend to put some mileage on my new smoker.....can't wait.  The plan is to learn as much as I can while stateside, then use that information to purchase whatever accessories I feel are desired so that when my wife and I return permanently to Idaho at the end of November, I'll be ready to rock and roll with this baby.  You guys (and gals) have been a tremendous help and I look forward to learning more from you.
Welcome from Delaware, Dave!  Sounds like you have a good plan of attack....good luck with the patience, though!  Cheers
Always good to have another Dave onboard.  The good news is that Idaho Fall & Winter won't slow you down with this smoker. 
Welcome, Dave!!  Great to have you with us!  Check out the User Guidelines and Instructions section for "Basics for a Beginner."  This will give you an idea of everything you need to get started right.  These smokers really aren't demanding of a lot of gadgets and gizmos, like some, but a good remote thermometer and scale (to weigh your wood) are invaluable!  You'll see some other things that are nice to have, but not absolute "must haves."  If you have heavy-duty foil, remote thermometer and a scale to weigh your wood, you are set to make some great Q!

Let us know how we can help!
Welcome from Texas Dave. Have fun exploring the many possibilities your new smoker has to offer. Glad to have you on board.
Hey Dave, Welcome from Kansas City. While in Germany see if you can find a good bologna recipe. Then when you get home you can smoke it. Years ago in Kansas City there was a bakery downtown called Wolfermans. They had a section of smoked luncheon meats and they were smoked. The gentleman that made them was from Germany. And don't you know not one of his kids would take over his business. But, smoked bologna is really good.
Hi Dave and welcome from the Keys. Lots of good information on this forum, along with lots of good people!
Thanks everyone for your kind welcome.  I am counting down the days to seasoning the #1 followed shortly thereafter by smoking some Ribs.  In the meanwhile, I'm on a search for some smoked bologna.  :)