the STALL always freaks me out

Yeah, I get the same way. But I haven't yet broken down and upped the temp or wrapped in foil yet.

I have actually seen several butts where I get two stalls.

My patience has always been rewarded for waiting them out though.

Sounds like you are going to be eating well today!
Thanks Gregg ..... I am being patient temperature bouncing from 215-239

I hope i dont have two stalls.... want to eat tonite and take a bunch to the lake tomorrow.

In the 14th hour.
Bob, the stall can be disconcerting, for certain!  The first time I experienced it (without knowing what was happening), I nearly had a panic attack!  Now, I look forward to it, knowing what goodness is happening during that time!  All that fat and connective tissue liquifying and adding all that sweet nectar of the Q gods to the meat!  Don't fear the stall - embrace it, my friend, embrace it!! 8)
I have not converted to wait out the stall. I typically dont plan for the stall. I wrap at 150.

Maybe the auber can power thru the stall.
es1025 said:
I have not converted to wait out the stall. I typically dont plan for the stall. I wrap at 150.

Maybe the auber can power thru the stall.

See my above comments, Ed.... embrace it, my friend! ;)  All kinds of goodness going on there, and the bark benefits greatly!
Funny thing is, Ed, I've done it both ways, and really don't see a big increase in time.  But, I believe the results a worth it.
DivotMaker said:
See my above comments, Ed.... embrace it, my friend! ;)  All kinds of goodness going on there, and the bark benefits greatly!

Add me to the "embrace the stall" camp. Granted, it took me about 18 hours to get my two butts done, but that was at 225. Also, I was prepared for 16-18 hours based on posts I'd seen here before. And the result was totally worth it. :D
I did a 7.5# butt over the weekend and started it on Friday night at 8pm...then I just slept through the stall!  No worries, got up Saturday morning and the temp was already up to 185, hit 201 at 11am, which provided plenty of time to get the grass mowed before I needed to double wrap for the rest!  Nothing like the lazy Q, and the pulled pork was again most excellent.    It's a beautiful thing!
It actually took me quite awhile to embrace the stall I guess it was more of a time thing, now I just plan for 18 hrs. it also helps to do an over night smoke and wake up to awesome Q.......still amazes me.
es1025 said:
What temp do you smoke you butts? I smoke at 240.

Ed, I start out butts at 225, until they're through the stall.  Then, I usually bump it up to 240 to finish.  Since the real tenderizing is done during the stall, I don't think higher heat at the end has any ill effects.