The letter "H" in my display


New member
I purchased my 2D a few months ago and have had several successful smokes, including 2 that were done using the steps with various times, temps, etc.  Last weekend, the letter "H" shows up during my smoke and while I understand that it is some sort of error code, I have not found the solution on how to clear it up.

Any thoughts?  Thank you.
It isn't really and error code. The default for the controller is to look for a meat probe. If you are running a timed program and don't have a meat probe plugged in, the -H- will appear in the right window. You can push the time button and it will convert to running time in the window.
Thank you SuperDave!!  I will revisit this later when I get home.  It is a big relief to know that there may not be a problem.
