The Good and the Bad - Need Advice Replacing Some Parts


New member
Hello All,

Thanks to many of you here I have had several successful smokes. Just last week I did a full brisked in my little guy and it came out near perfect. However, to get it to work this last time I had to break-out the soldering iron.

I failed to start and when opening it up the wires to the the LED and one side of the analog controller corroded to the point of breaking. So now they need to be replaced. The question is what route to take going forward.

Do I take this as a chance to upgrade to a digital controller or just replace the analog controller and LED.

Thanks for all the advice,
Make the fix and at the same time wire in a bypass so you can use the original thermostat or switch to a PID control. That way if the PID fails you can still use the thermostat.
Double check with Steve and see if your unit is still under warranty for parts. If not, just do your best on the repair.  Be careful to not bend or kink the thin metal tube connected to the controller.  If you are considering a PID, Dave's advice on a bypass makes sense. Here is a link that may provide some good insight on what a bypass involves.  There are a lot of postings about PIDs and installing one.
Replacing the analog controller is really easy and cheap ($25). I just replaced mine a couple of weeks ago and it was super easy. They send the instructions with the new controller.
