The Big Ben Smoker Cap


Staff member
Hello Smokin-It Nation !

Just wanted you to know we just placed the Big Ben Smoker cap up on the website.  The cap is made here in the USA from 16 ga. 304 stainless steel.  In other news we will very shortly be advertising on the Smoking Meat Forum and we are working on a new line of sweatshirts to offer. 


I like it.  Going to call Steve and place an order.  Also good to see the SI will be an advertiser on SMF.
I have one on the way.  While I smoke under a covered area, strong winds do blow in rain; and the wind seems to draw the smoke out of the smoker so hoping the cap will act as a wind break.  Besides, I think the cap adds a touch of class!
It will be interesting to hear some real-world reviews of this new cap. It really does look cool!
Got busy watching the grand kids and did not get around to installing the cap as I wanted to.  Working this weekend as well but will try to get it on and run some smoke through it. As for wearing out the cover, it might; time will tell.  All of the cut edges are slightly sharp.  I will use the old Dremel to smooth them or maybe just a fine hone stone.
Here’s the Big Ben Smoker Cap installed - I like this, a cool touch added on to a great smoker! I have not tried the functionality at this point, need to smoke something this week. But, the install was easy, much easier than I thought it would be because the ring isn’t tight like I was expecting, even with build up smoke from 3 year’s of smoking.

Here are a few pics - two installed and one with the cover on since someone asked about it above. I have the 3D so the height is about the same. If you had concerns about the cover, you could put a towel over to keep the steel from rubbing. I place a rug on top of this and then my waterproof heavy duty cover from Coversandall over this.

But, the nice thing, don’t wrench this down when installing and you can twist it to block the wind from coming down, at least seems that’s how it could work as well. And should be easy to get the probes I use into the hole just like normal.

Hope this helps those of you looking at this and wondering about functionality. I’ll post again after smoking.


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Good review and photos Jeremy.
I 'de-horned' the edges with an Arkansas stone, took just about 2 minutes.  Another 2 and it was securely mounted. I was expecting to need channel locks to break the vent free but not needed.  Got a chunk of wood burning with a torch (no bbq today) to test smoke flow.  Great and no restriction.  Tried to get pics of TBS but no go.  Wife likes it; said it is cute and added I ought to get one for my son's CS (which I used to own). Just might do that!  Personally I think it is a good investment.  Sorry the photos are cockeyed.


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Ok, action photo for #StayInCookOut day!

Got some baby backs going, but wanted to post the Big Ben Smoke Cap in action. I think this is a pretty cool photo!


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I tried to capture the smoke in my photos but it was a wash; too much back lighting.  But the cap is great!