Thatsa Pizza!

RG 2.0

New member
I made some Neapolitan pies last weekend and I have to say that less IS more. I love these things! Smoked food is wonderful, been craving a butt lately, need to get the #3 rolling soon but sometimes you just want a quick meal and pizzas are great for that. I've gone off of the deep end lately and have been reading a ton about pizza making and I have some things I want to try. As usual, there's bound to be some hits and misses but that's part of the fun!

Check out these pies

Here's the first pie I made - sauce, fresh mozz, basil leaves, olive oil drizzle





My Village Inn and Domino's Skill at work :)

Shot of the messy work station

2nd pie done



All were tasty and fun to make. I tried to get my wife to help but she was just fine being the spectator, lol.
Unlike most here, you've already seen them, lol! Now that I am thinking about, did you ever get a SI Pizza Oven? Does anyone on here have one? I am curious as to what the general consensus was/is on it. It's on the wish list for when I move ;)
Looks great, I'm using up all the fresh basil I can before it gets cold here!

The SI pizza ovens always looked interesting, though a very "special" niche use item.  $$$$$

Might be a good idea for a built in, but the look of it I'd deff want to keep it under roof or cover.

RG said:
Unlike most here, you've already seen them, lol! Now that I am thinking about, did you ever get a SI Pizza Oven? Does anyone on here have one? I am curious as to what the general consensus was/is on it. It's on the wish list for when I move ;)

I'm kind of shocked you don't already HAVE a pizza oven Jason! Only $1200 on the SI site right now. I'm wondering if anyone here has one too.
Well, I actually do have one. It's what I cooked these pizzas on. I normally cook them on one of the Kegs but now I have a dedicated little pizza oven. The main reason I'd want a big one is because you can cook more than one pie at a time and even cook other things as well. That price is not bad at all for the SI one. Like I said, it's on the wish list, one never knows ;)

I'll look further into when I move and see what the house/landscape says to me in regards are where to even put it. For now, I'll just do what I'm doing.
RG said:
Unlike most here, you've already seen them, lol! Now that I am thinking about, did you ever get a SI Pizza Oven? Does anyone on here have one? I am curious as to what the general consensus was/is on it. It's on the wish list for when I move ;)

The pizza oven is no longer on the SI website, and I believe Steve has discontinued them.  It's rather large, and kind of pricey.  I do have one, but don't use it as often as I'd like to.  John's right - it was a "niche" item, and the market just wasn't there, with all the smaller competition out there now.  Like I said, it's nice, but a little big.  I really think Steve has chosen to focus on what SI does best - smokers! 
It looks like it's still for sale,  cheaper too!;
DivotMaker said:
RG said:

The tab is gone, and to find it, you have to search for it.  Still need to get confirmation, but looks like it's on the way out.

Yeah, I did search for it BUT it DID pop up :) Maybe he still has some, maybe not. It looks well built. If he still has some, maybe someone here would be interested. See what you can find out. If he does still have them, maybe he'd sell them off at a "clearance price" to get rid of them.