Thanksgiving Turkey Success

Hey Y'all,

No pictures but my first-ever smoked turkey was a success. I pretty much just followed Aaron Franklin's super simple Thanksgiving Turkey videos and adapted it to SI, since the turkey at Franklin Bbq in Austin is still the best I've ever had in my life. 
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:

- 14lb bird (Costco non-organic)
- ~15hr brine (5gal food-grade bucket, 2cup kosher salt, 2 cup white sugar, 1qt chicken stock, 1 cup soy, about a handful each rosemary & sage)
- Kosher Salt + Black pepper rub after brine
- Wood: 3.2oz Peach from Woodshed Fire Wood (I live nearby)
        - Laid foil down on the bottom of the firebox and punched ballpoint pen sized holes in each hole in the box
        - Also foil-boated the wood
        - Finally wound up with charcoal instead of pure ash! Not sure if due to my foil measures or better wood
        - Next time I think I will add maybe 1-1.5oz of hardwood for smokier flavor
- About 4.5hrs in the #2 @ 250 + another hour foil tented to baste in 1lb of salted butter.
- Total cook time about 6hrs.

Came out beautifully browned, moist & lightly smoky.  Everyone loved it and I had zero leftovers!

Note for apartment dwellers: I live in an apartment and had been nervous about smoke detectors but no issues. SI goes out on the patio & I put a box fan next to the smoker and closed the windows.

(1)  I was using the Thermoworks Smoke and the probe I had in the breast failed halfway through the smoke. As a result, instead of adding butter and wrapping when the breast was about 160, it was already overcooked at 174 when I pulled it.  It still wasn't dry, which I credit to the butter and brining, but I know it would have been so much better if I didn't overcook.
(2) The smoky flavor was just too light for me. I'm thinking I'll try small amount of almond or other firewood next time.