Thank you thank you thank you


New member
Just wanted to chime in and say thank you to Divotmaker for his revolutionary brine for the pork butts. I know its probabaly not truly revolutionary, but for me it has revolutionized how I do them. I used to just avoid them because I couldn't get any flavor penetration but with the brine its all the way through and couldn't be any tastier. I have waited until I did a few to make sure it wasn't a fluke and its not. Everybody says its the best they have had and I have some buddies that can cook so its quite a compliment. For all of those that haven't tried it give it a go.

I use that sh*$ on all my smokes!  I have done smokes with other techniques, the old dang, I forgot to brine, to "just inject and hope".  You no it ain't Time, if it ain't been brined!  Plan your smoke, and smoke your plan. 