Test run of ribs in a #3


New member
So far I have earned my Boston Butt & Brisket badges and now I am ready to smoke my first racks of ribs.

I have some family coming in town masters weekend and I am making a trial run today.  I bought a rack of St Louis cut and a rack of baby backs for a test.  Here is the plan:

I covered them both in olive oil and rub last night and wrapped them in plastic and kept them in the fridge overnight.

I plan to smoke them both with 3.5oz of hickory in foil boats and a pan of apple juice @ 225 for 5 hours (no peeking).
At 5 hours I will test for doneness and pull the babies and add sauce to the Stl Cut and cook for another hour.

I checked the ribs at 5.5 hours and I am not sure they are done yet.  I was having some issues having my Auber stay constant at 225.  I think my temp probe moved and was to close to the meat for the first part of the smoke.

I tried one rib and it tasted great but was tough to separate from the bone.  I am no looking for fall of the bone but closer than they are now.

Does that mean I need to cook longer or have I gone to far? 
Well I am pretty happy with my first batch of ribs.  It ended up being 6.5 hours for the BB's and 7.5 hours for the Stl's.  I think I liked the BB's the best.  They were the meatiest ribs I have ever had.  I guess that is why it took longer than I had thought.  I had some leftovers tonight for dinner and they were awesome!

The one thing that was weird was my Auber.  During my prior smokes it was locked on to 225 +/- a single degree.  This smoke it was all over the place.  The only difference was I did not use the meat probe but everything else was the same.  Ideas?



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I'm starting to read more occurrences of this weird Auber behavior. Ribs have been a common theme between them. Lack of mass in the smoker freaks the Auber?
St Louis cut ribs will usually take about an hour longer than baby backs. So, your times are right in line with when I do them. I prefer the St Louis cut, but this is a total personal preference as I know many here prefer the BBs.

Looks like a successful smoke. I can't help you on the Auber though. I am still debating whether I really need/want one or not. I turn out some pretty good food without it and not sure it is worth spending the money on when I have some other interests (Fishing, Camping, Golfing, etc) that need some disposable dollars too. ;)
Those test ribs look great.  I can't wait to see the photos of the big cook and results.  Good luck.
Consider going the fixed Auber probe route.  It takes away one variable of consistent probe placement.