Temp Holding Low


New member
I have the #1 Smoker and this past weekend I tried to smoke 3 racks of ribs.  I cut them in half so 2 big pieces on 3 shelves.  Outside air temp was low 30s.  I fired the smoker up and could not get the internal air temp of the smoker over 170 degrees.  Even after 3 hours it was still 170 (so I pulled them out of the smoker, wrapped in foil and threw them in the oven to finish them off).  Today I pulled everything out of the smoker (chip box and shelves) and ran it empty to see what temp I could get it up too.  I set the dial to 250 and about 1 hour my external electric temp probe climbed up to 250.  Max temp it got to was about 275.  So it seems like everything is working.  Seems a little odd it took so long to get to 250.

Has anyone had this happen to them before?  Was my smoker a little overloaded with 3 the racks?  The other times I did ribs I did not cook as many so I am not sure if this is normal or not.
3 racks of ribs is no problem for the #1. I've done it many times. So I'm not sure why on just this one smoke you got odd readings, other than something to do with the probe or probe placement. Also make sure your meat is not touching or dripping on the SI's built-in probe at the back of the box. But based on your description of how you cut them and placed them on the racks (same way I do them), I don't think that was your problem.
+1 of what Kari said. I would think it would be either one or maybe both of the possible issues that Kari described.
I really appreciate the feed back!  Thanks for talking through this with me.

I checked the temp on the inside of the smoker with 3 different thermometers.  One was placed inside before I started to cook.  The other two I lowered in from the top vent once I saw the temp stall for over 90 minutes.  I got different readings on them all but they were pretty close +/- 10 degrees of each other.

I am not sure but it might have been possible for some of the liquid to drop on the temp probe that runs the units thermostat but wouldnt that cool it off and cause the smoker to keep the heating element on longer than it should?

I did not keep a temperature log but I wish I would have now.  Do you do that? or do you remember about what temps I should be seeing after 2 hours, 3 hrs, 4 hrs, etc?  I had the dial set to 250 degrees and after almost 3 hours seeing it still sitting around 170 so I thought there might be something wrong. 
Hi B, and welcome!  How about adding a first name to your signature line?  Please and thank you!

First off, do yourself a favor and stop obsessing over box temp.  Next time you do ribs, set the dial to about 225-235, close the door, and check back in about 4.5-5 hours.  If the ribs are not close to done, you may have a problem (but I doubt it).  Trying to monitor box temp is like chasing your tail, with the analog controller.  Temps will swing, and you may have checked on a "down cycle."  The temps will average out, and you'll be fine.  Trust that you, indeed, have a quality smoker that does not need babysitting.  Bring peace to your life, and let the smoker do what it does. 
Hi Tony!  I updated my signature area with my name.  I just got signed up and didn't even know that was an option.  Thanks for pointing that out.

I would not say I am obsessing over box temp.  I just want to get better at smoking meats and I have only done it a few times so I am learning a lot.  The first two times I smoked ribs I set the dial to 225 and temp varied from 250 to 200 just as you pointed out that was typical with an analog controller.  I have a wireless thermometer set up so I could see box temp continuously while I was prepping other food for the dinner party.  Just find it strange that this time I set the temp to 250 yet box temp only got to 170 and then just stayed there for hours.  Interesting that the smoking situations were so different and wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them.

After testing my smoker without any wood or meat it in I figured out that there is nothing wrong with the smoker and I am a big fan of the SI.  Seems to be really good quality and designed well and a perfect size for me.
Brian, air flow is vital in the SI's.  If you cover one of your grills from side to side or front to back with ribs it acts as a heat baffle.  Try to leave an inch or two all around your meat for best results.
I forgot to respond a long time ago to this post.  With the help from everyone I think I figured out the that the issue was air flow.  When I went clean out the the smoker the drain hole got plugged.  Since the air flow was restricted I assume that the air wasnt able to flow and created heating issues.  I have since loaded it up with ribs and had no issues with temps and getting them to come out great.  Thanks to all those that have responded with suggestions to help me figure this out.