Sunday Pork Butt "ON HOLD"


New member
Purchased a 7lb. PB will be trying Tony's brine with the change of 1/2 gallon of apple cider instead of the 1/2 of water. Butt has been in the brine for 18 hrs. Removed from the brine and rinsed, went to get the #3 ready and noticed the wind was picking up, a quick check of the weather shows severe storms with wind gusts of 30 to 40 mph and possible hail. So the butt is in plastic wrap in the refer until tommorrow.

The cooking plan is a good coating of molasses, a heavy shake of Williams Rib Tickler Rub, 5oz. of cherry wood at 240 degrees till an IT of 198-205.

Mother Nature wins today but I will try again tommorrow!!
Same reason I moved my unit under my covered front porch.  It looks a little redneck q'ing on the front porch....  but then again....  I've been known to have a little redneck in me.

I have some sort of pork roast in there now.  I'm going to dice it and put it in my bbq beans.  Then Chicken, Brats, and beans go in for dinner.