Summer time is here - time to smoke all the favorites


I travel for a living and sometimes it is hard to find time to take time to smoke. Today I traveled to the city and purchased some of my favorites to smoke.

See below, the one item I forgot to add to the photo was a 4 lb belly, which I will start tomorrow.

Happy smoking Greg
Wow. I just finished some of those pork butts tonight. They are fantastic! Did the ribs last weekend, also fantastic! Hell, it's all fantastic!
When I smoked a bunch of meat last weekend my wife asked me why I smoked so much.  I told her that I wanted to buy a bunch more meat and had no room in the freezer.  LOL! 
SuperDave said:
When I smoked a bunch of meat last weekend my wife asked me why I smoked so much.  I told her that I wanted to buy a bunch more meat and had no room in the freezer.  LOL!

Wow, we are on the same page.... (your post made me smile)

With all this meat, I need to do some serious smoking and share big time with the neighbors!

gregbooras said:
My wife looked in the spare refrigerator today and said, are we planning on going on a all Atkins Diet....

I said, sure why not!

Hey, sometimes you just have to improvise, adapt and overcome!  Nice plan! ;)