Summer Sausage Sous Vide Finish


I made up a couple chubs yesterday, gave them an hour in the smoker to dry and then smoked for 2-2 1/2 hours. It was getting cold out and temps weren't coming up as fast as I'd like, so rather than having a real long night I decided to try something I'd read about on another forum. Got the Anova SV out and heated the water to 151*, vac packing the chubs while I waited. Tossed them in and being a little curious a half hour in I opened one to check the IT and it was at 151 already! Re-packed it and using Baldwins pasteurization chart I gave them another 4 hrs which was a little longer than necessary for 70 mm but better safe than sorry. Absolutely no difference at all in taste or texture and of course no fat out. I'll do this again but next time  I'll do 6-8 inch chubs rather 14 to make it easier to fit into a SV container.

This is also how I have finished various types of sausage I have made. The jalapeno brisket sausage I make and have posted here, I finish in the SV hot tub as well!

Your summer sausage looks great! I’ve still not made this but need to.
Thanks, its pretty tasty. I used Owens BBQ regular SS mix and added 5 tsp of ECA (for 6 lbs) for tang. I'm going to make a batch of their German and Trail Bologna this week and do it the same way, finishing with the SV. It works out great, especially for the bigger casings.