Suggestions please!


New member
Having a few friends over for football tonight.  I’ve got roughly 10 hours.  Only thing I’ve ever done in my model 2 are pork butts, but no time for that.  Not looking for a main course, but just a little something that gives me an excuse to use my smoker and be awesome.  Thinking wings, but open to ideas.  For wings, all the recipes I see on here use overnight rub or brine.  No time for that.  Need a fairly simple recipe that is, most importantly, FAIL PROOF for a guy that’s never done them before.  Thanks!
Baby backs.  Recipes and tips all over the forum.  Only takes 5 hours in the smoker.  For your first effort, I would recommend wrapping after 2 hours for 2 hours, then back in for another hour.  And with a generous rub, you can skip the overnight prep.
But if you really want to knock it out of the park, try some ABT’s.  There is a good how to here:

Wear gloves!!! when you are de-seeding the peppers. 

My recipe differs from this post, but the process is the put a bed of it in the halved Jalapeno, and lay one fourth of an Ekrich Smoky Link on top of it before I wrap the bacon. Be sure to apply a rub on them at runoff pork rub with some kind of sugar in it. 

You will have introduced your friends to a delight they will have never had before.
If you go the wings and ribs route, wings below the ribs; cross contamination.  Something about not letting raw/uncooked poultry juices drip/touch other food.