Suggestions for smoking skinless, boneless wild turkey breast


New member
Hi folks, I want to try a wild turkey breast in the smoker and could use some help. I attempted this once in the past with my leaky old propane smoker that was a bit of a headache to maintain temps accurately and it got away from me. While it was good tasting, it came out incredibly dry. I wrapped that one with some cheap fatty bacon and it still dried out.

Any tips with brine recipes and times and cook temps would be helpful and appreciated.
I use this for brine, though a few recipes on this site for homemade

Turkey is great in this machine.  CRANK it up to 250 and temp the inside to 160 degrees. 

Wrap in foil, place in cooler rest for least an hour before you slice it. 

Turkey and chicken doesnt need 225 low and slow.  Just get the smoke in it.

Even w your skinless and boneless a good brine and watch the temp should do it. 