Stuffed pork loin #2

puddle jumper

New member
I have been smoking about once a week, but i figure you guys don't want to see every rib and chicken that get's smoked but I did another loin and its getting better and better... ;D

Cut and rolled the loin with cheese, peperoni, and onion.. I pre cooked the onion this time but I still don't like the way the onions are doing in this so I think I'm just not going to use them in this anymore..also went a little lighter on the bacon weave,, seasoned it with Daves rub inside and out and yellow mustard. let it sit for 24 hrs in the fridge...

Went on the smoker at 225,two chunks of peach wood, and I was planning a 4 to 5 hr smoke until the temp hit 165,,,that's about how long the last one cooked... well checked it at 4 hrs and temp was at 185,,,wow that was fast,, no idea why it cooked so much faster but it was a little dryer than the first but still great...the family says this is there favorite dinner out of the smoker




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Looks great, John!  In terms of the onions, I use chopped red onion when I make sausage fatty's, not pre-cooked, and they turn out well.

I would like to try this out, but I am a bit confused on how you cut the loin to flatten it out...
Man, that looks tasty!  I love cooking loins - going to have to try stuffing one!  I assume you just cut it laterally to butterfly it, then folded it back over when stuffed?  I think the cooked onions look great, btw.
Cutting it is harder to tell you than to show you , but you start on the edge and make a cut the length of the loin down, then as you cut down, just unroll it as you cut trying to keep it about a inch thick the whole way,, If that makes any kind of sense???

I tried not cooking the onions on the last one and the ones on the end where good but the ones in the middle where raw,,