St. Louis Cut Spares - By Mistake


New member
Ran into Costco to pick up a package of baby back ribs for my smoke today and when I started to prep them last night noticed that something didn't look right.  Well, I brought home a very meaty looking pack of St. Louis cut spare ribs.  I guess I just have to account for the little extra time and enjoy.  They look outstanding out of the package so looking forward to dinner tonight, even if it isn't the baby backs that I was anticipating. 
I'm going to get down on some St. Louis Style this weekend I think.  Can't wait.  3-2-1 method for me this time.
Figure on more time, personally I do 2 3 1 +  The smoke on these machines let out early.  Foil wrap with honey at bottom and brown sugar.  At 2 hour mark.    Take out after a few more hours and baste with sauce for another hour
SuperDave said:
My spares last weekend were 3-3-.5.  My smoke temp was 200 and my foil wrap temp was 250.

wow dave. long time.  obviously you think it makes a difference. How so? it it more tender? are you going for some chew or until the bones fall out on their own  :)

there is no wrong way to smoke a rib!
One thing I noticed is with this smoker and a dish of beer.... I mean liquid, You can just let them go at 225 for 6 hrs and never open them and they are amazing. the moisture this thing keeps in it is amazing.
Ray, I agree with your post. I generally follow the method of opening the door twice (once to put the meat in and once to take it out). Then I wrap it for an 2-5 hour rest in a cooler.
justchillin, Thanks I have never FTC'd my ribs before I usually just wrap them in tinfoil for about 30 min. I may have to try your method.
raymillsus said:
One thing I noticed is with this smoker and a dish of beer.... I mean liquid, You can just let them go at 225 for 6 hrs and never open them and they are amazing. the moisture this thing keeps in it is amazing.

+2 This is the only way that I smoke ribs. The day I bought my #3 was the last day I will ever go through the hassle of wrapping ribs.

I smoke St Louis Cut ribs 90% of the time as they are my personal favorite. Typically the St Louis Cut ribs go 6-7 hours at 225 and my Baby backs go 5-6 hours at 225.

I usually serve sans sauce, but if I do add sauce I just place the sauced ribs on cookie sheets and broil in my oven until the sauce caramelizes. I do it this way because my cookie sheets are way easier to clean up then baked on sticky sauce on my smoker racks.