Splitting wood


New member
I have been splitting my wood into small pieces in order to get a balanced smoke throughout the smoker.  I put one piece toward one end and the other end and then two pieces evenly spread toward the middle.  I found this provide a better some and the wood basically vanishes. 

How are you splitting your wood?  I have a wood pile of cherry wood that I had cut for my fireplace but now I am using it for the smoker.  Down side is splitting it to fit the smoker bow.  I have been using a hand saw to cut pieces but I am thinking there must be an easier way to do this!
I have a box of Fruitawood chunks that are generally all too big for our wood boxes.  I use hatchet on the end grain, and strike it with a hammer to split the chunks lengthwise.  This gives you a lot better control on splitting, vs trying to strike a small chunk with a hatchet or axe.  If the chunks are ok on length, but just too big, rest the axe on the spot you want to split and give it a whack with a hammer.  One lick is all it takes.  SW - unless you have access to a miter saw, or chain saw, you're probably on the right track in cutting your wood down to size.  Just get chunks the right length, then split them up like I described. 
I bought 15# cherry wood chunks from fruitawood. I then split to about 2oz.
I think the wood smokes much more evenly and is reduced to ashes.
Hi guys,  I am new to the forum and have been lurking around for a little while doing comparisons against several electric smokers.  I have just ordered the #3 last week and hope to see it at the front door tomorrow or Wednesday.  I am new to smoking and have also be trying to learn what else I need to order.  I have heard great things about Fruitawood from the forums as well as my friend who runs a food truck in Baltimore. 

I just called Fruitawood and talked with them for a little while.  I explained that I had just ordered my smoker, I was new, etc.. and they asked the size of the firebox.  He said that the chunks they sell do not really fit most electric smokers, so he offered to cut it to size.  They offer what is called a "CookShack Cut" which is about 1 1/2 inches x 3-4 Inches to better fit electric smokers.  Would this be a good size based on what you gentlemen have experienced? 

Also, based on variety, I was going to order their original variety pack of apple, peach and Cherry along with the upick it pack of my own choices.  I was thinking about Hickory, Pecan, and either Post Oak or Sugar Maple.  Any recommendations?

I look forward to becoming part of this smokin corner of the interwebs.


Welcome CW, and congrats on your #3!  The CS cut from Fruitawood should be perfect.  The regular mini chunks have to be re-split to fit (most of them).  Unless you know for sure that you really like peach and apple, I'd stay away from the cherry/peach/apple box - it's a lot of wood (considering how little we have to use in these smokers).  I get my hickory from Smokin-It - the dowels are very good.  I think your idea of oak and pecan are great, but I'd get a little cherry, too.  Cherry is really good on pork and beef.  Don't order large quantities until you know which woods you're going to like the most.

Be sure to post something in the Introductions section!
Charlie, thanks for asking about a smaller cut. My next order will be the cookshack cut. I hope the rename to the electric smoker cut or the smokin-it cut. Its really good wood.
es1025 said:
Charlie, thanks for asking about a smaller cut. My next order will be the cookshack cut. I hope the rename to the electric smoker cut or the smokin-it cut. Its really good wood.

Me too, Ed!  I didn't know they'd do that.  Definitely needs to be renamed.  ;)  I even split the hickory dowels from Steve in half also - they smoke a lot better with the flat side down. 
I am looking to buy some wood from a local dealer and cut to size with my chop saw. I would be willing to do a larger order if more people wanted them cut to size.