Spare Ribs and Fresh Cut Grass


New member
Nothing like cutting the lawn and smelling dinner in the SI.

Huge spare rack, while looks (burnt) cooked, this was 5 1/2 hours no peek.  I tend to go heavy on the brown sugar which I think causes the blackening?  Upper rack was coffee/sugar/Purdohme pork rub.  Lower was Oakridge. (more heat).  Opines welcome.  No sauce used besides mustard night before

Spares were from butcher shop, juice kicker on side mostly gone.  Maybe I'll try wally smithfield world, but I know those are injected.

One rack of ribs took two racks in the #2.  $11

Happy spring.



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They look great to me, John!  Dark bark is good!  Yeah, the more sugar you use (of any kind, but white definitely) will make the bark darker as it caramelizes.
Wreck it Ralph said:
Winter went fast...

Really???  Seemed like an eternity to me!  My company runs trucks to the Northeast, primarily, and it was one storm after another...LONG winter!  Glad we're all cutting grass, and enjoying some nice Q!  Way to go, guys! 8)
Wow John!  They look great and I really like darker ribs....much better bark. 

I cannot wait to get some ribs going tomorrow. 

LOL @ Steve (mizzooufan).  I agree, watching someone else cut the lawn and smelling ribs in the smoker would probably be like heaven for me :)