SmokinLicious order just showed up details


New member
fed-ex just showed up at my door an hour or so ago with my wood. here is the break down

the box comes with 3 parts sectioned off by them using 2 pieces of flat cardboard stuck in vertically to create three sections like stripes

i didn't weigh each piece just eyeballed the biggest and smallest piece and weighed those

cherry 48 pieces lowest weight 1.5 oz highest weight 4.1 oz with most falling closer to the heightst weight only 2 or 3 pieces close to the smallest weight

maple 44 pieces lowest weight 2 oz highest weight 5.7 oz most of the rest by far falling in the middle but closer to the highest weight

hickory 47 pieces  lowest weight 2.8 oz highest weight 6.4 oz i would say most falling in the middle but a bit closer to the lower

the package also come with a red envelope with their logo on it.. looks like a christmas card assumed it was just an invoice but it's not they give you the moisture content of each type of wood at the time of packing (i assume) it is dated as having been checked on march 10th
mine was cherry 28.7
maple 28.8
hickory 28.6
further information preprinted on that paper say anything over 20% is considered highly suitable for smoking immediately

another card says how to store and what to do if you ever see signs of mold
soak for at least 2 minutes in a solution of 1.5 oz white vinegar and 3 gallons of water

the wood is very good most i can use as is some i can cut but don't necessarily have to

to be totally honest i would of been happy if it was cut the same as the wood that came with the smoker which were nice cubes.. some a bit bigger some a little smaller but all around 2x2x2 or so i would say.. much more uniform

but you can see this is good wood and you do get a lot  139 pieces .. i would say with some smokes using 1 piece some using 2 and some that i could cut in half and use as 1 or 2 there is enough there for me to get somewhere around 100 smokes

if i take the average of the weights i posted here i come up with 32.5 pounds.. that's probably close to reality with out actually weighing the whole thing seeing as fed-ex aid 33 and the weight of the packing material being half a pound is good enough for government work i figure

now i need to get some corned beef in some water cause i'm trying some of that cherry on it tomorrow