Smoking wahoo

Sue, in my eyes, fish is either white or red/pink meat.  White is easily overpowered with smoke and red/pink can handle more smoke.  Smoking white meats is a delicate smoke where you aren't really smoking it but just trying to add some smoke flavor.  Treat any fish with red/pink meat similar to salmon. 
If you cure it & smoke it like you would salmon, minus the sweet glaze, to an IT of 135, it should take about an hour. The smoke flavor will not overpower it. It would also be great to convert into a smoked fish dip (usually made with fish with white meat). A coastal south Florida favorite. Wahoo is a terriffic fish.
SuperDave said:
Sue, in my eyes, fish is either white or red/pink meat.  White is easily overpowered with smoke and red/pink can handle more smoke.  Smoking white meats is a delicate smoke where you aren't really smoking it but just trying to add some smoke flavor.  Treat any fish with red/pink meat similar to salmon.

Having never cooked wahoo before, at the last minute, I decided to saute it in Emeril's essence and butter with some garlic.  I had about 4 different size pieces, some cooking faster than others.  It came out great.  I've smoked salmon before but I still prefer it grilled.  I think I'll stick to grilling fish in the future.
Wahoo is great for smoking.  If you go to Florida, you find many restaurants offer smoked Wahoo dips.  Caught a Wahoo last week on a kayak and yesterday smoked about 5 pounds.  Some I use as a dip and some just eating the smoked meat.  Wahoo is white - flakey - not as strong as King or Swordfish.

I brined the Wahoo for 3 hours using Koser Salt and sugar: 1 cup of salt, 1/2 cup of dark brown sugar to 6 cup of water.  Since my dog loves smoked fish, I did not add any garlic or other spices that might upset his stomach.  After rinsing off the brine, I padded the fish dry and placed the fish on a rack.  I put the rack in the refrigerator uncover for about 2 hours. I used about 3 oz of alder and cherry.  It did not take long, approximately 1 hr to reach 145 internal temp.  The D-2 temperature was at 170 degrees. 