Smoking two 12 1/2 lb turkeys in a 3D

Whens Lunch

New member
I've looked at a bunch of poultry threads looking for guidance on time.  I realize every bird is different and that one could take 4.5 to 5.5 hours.  Wondering what I should allow for two at 250 degrees.  Not spatchcocking for Thanksgiving.

Thanks in advance.
If you can fit both birds on the same shelf with the shelf as high in the smoker that you can and still have room for you meat probes, that would be the best option. If you are able to do this, the extra bird will not add too much to your time. Maybe 30 minutes give/take.

If you can't fit them on the same shelf, you will want to rotate them (top to bottom and front to back) after 2.5 hours or so. Otherwise one will get done way before the other.

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you birds turn out well.
Adding to what Gregg said, if you do fit them on one shelf with room for air flow, your only real time slip should be the added time it takes to come up to temperature.  Since it is so much easier to keep the turkey warm rather than speeding it up, I'd give yourself an extra hour.  Any extra resting time will be of no consequence.