Smoking temps, times, and wood


New member
Hey gang,
I know using the SI units we do things differently than with other smokers. Is there a resource for how much wood to use, at what temp, for how long? Is there a master list compiled out there? I know I normally do Baby backs at 2-1-1 at around 230-240 with a good amount of wood, however, I know people on here are doing it for 5-5.5 hours at 225 with 3-4 ounces of wood. I was just curious if there was a quick guide out there. Thanks, if not, I would love to help put one together with yall!
I have not seen a master list, but most people use 3-4oz of wood and sometimes as high as 6oz for long smokes (boston butts).    I pretty much always set for 225F on every smoke that I do.
None that I've seen.  Generally, large muscle groups (shoulder, brisket,etc) about 6oz, everything else 2 to 3oz (ribs, chicken, fish).  Granted, some like a subtle smoke flavor & some not so subtle.  So adjust accordingly.  Also, I like chunks but low heat applications tend to smoke better with chips or pellets (jerky, fish, cheese, etc).  That may need to play in to a guide.
Mikey, I don't think anyone has made a "quick reference" chart, as least that I've seen.  What you will find, is lots of differing ways of smoking the same types of things, so there really isn't a "right or wrong" answer.  Some prefer to foil; I don't.  Some smoke ribs at 240; I prefer 225. 

In my opinion, I think the best way to approach this is to read as many posts as possible for the topic you are researching (say, "pork"), and then take a little from each of them until you develop your OWN style/preferences.  And then, make your own "quick reference" guide.  I can almost guarantee that if each of us "experienced owners" did that, each one would differ! 

One of the best ways to approach this is to find a recipe that looks good to you, and try to duplicate it.  Then, if you have modifications, post them!  This whole "Q thing" is fluid and dynamic!  You can never have too many ways of smoking something!

I'd love to see your guide, if you make one!