Smoking corned beef looking for tips and pointers


New member
i've never tried smoking corned beef before
i know most people say let it sit in water over night to take out some of the saltiness

i have two 3.5 pound point cut corned beefs.

do i treat them like brisket? set to 225 take them out when they hit 185 wrap in foil let sit for an hour or two?

or are there other better tricks of the trade?
Stout I bought and extra corned beef to smoke also.  I guess we should just treat it as a small brisket as that is what it is.  The soak sounds good to me because as it shrinks it will concentrate the salt.  My wife boils her corned beef befor baking it.  The water is great for boiling the cabbage and vegies.  She doesnt like smoked meats,  :o, so I am getting a lot of leftovers and office staff like my smoker a lot.  I bought the point cut also, more fat.
my wife likes to normally cook our corned beef in the slow cooker cause it intensifies the flavors

then yes she uses that water to boil potatoes and cabbage

though sometimes instead the gets a different double duty out of that water.. she uses it to slow cook a regular cut up brisket..puts a nice flavor in to it
Ill have about 4 of them SD.  Im looking forward to this.  My wife just looks at me when Im excited about smoking and says "God your simple".  I say correct, I am and its the simple things one comes to love.  So lay it on me baby.......after I check these temps.  ::) ::)