Smokin It Temp


New member
Second time using my Smokin It smoker.  I have a probe in the smoker to track the internal temp of smoker.  The smoker seems to shut off and the temp lowers and then I mess with the temp dial and something clicks and the temp rises.  I have not had the temp remain steady at the 225 I am wanting.
The temp won't remain constant at 225 because of the analog controller.  The SIs will heat to a point above your set temp, and then shut off (the click you heard) and cool to a point below your set temp at which point the unit will turn back on (the click again).  Most of us see temp swings in the +/- 15 to 25 degree range, so for a set temp of 225F, you might see smoker box temps ranging from 200 to 250 (+/-25).  Not a problem, though, as the SI will average out at 225.
thanks for the reply Steve, however, my temp swings were always under the temp I wanted to achieve, 225.  My temps would go as high as maybe 220 then go down to approx 205 and back up to around the 220 point so it wasn't averaging out to the 225 I was looking for.  I had 3 racks of ribs on totaling 9 pounds.
Some folks have re-adjusted their control knob to align it with the temp settings...I don't recall how to do it, but perhaps you can search the site for control knob to find those posts.  This is one post that might help:
I have a probe in the smoker to track the internal temp of smoker.

Don't do this it only causes frustration. Trust the dial as pretty damn close and roll with it. I do not believe anyone here can tell the difference between a rib cooked at 225 or 220. Crank the temp you want and calculate time of cook, this is supposed to be a relaxing hobby.

+3. Don't over think this Bob! Smoking time is time for naps, movies, a nice red Zinfandel, and about anything else you like to do!  8)