Smokin-it recipes


New member
I was just checking out the recipes for ribs and butts on this web site and noticed the smoking times and temps are not consistent with the "chart" I've been following and the comments from members.  For instance, if I recall, the recipe for ribs says 4 hrs.  I'm thinking for individuals just following those recipes without any other guidance, the results might be pretty bad! 
SmokinSusie-Q said:
I was just checking out the recipes for ribs and butts on this web site and noticed the smoking times and temps are not consistent with the "chart" I've been following and the comments from members.  For instance, if I recall, the recipe for ribs says 4 hrs.  I'm thinking for individuals just following those recipes without any other guidance, the results might be pretty bad!

Susie-Q, the guide actually lists 6-7 hours for Spare Ribs and 5-6 hours for Baby Backs which is pretty accurate. You have to remember that this guide is just that, a guide. If someone that did not have any experience smoking followed those guidelines they would turn out some pretty good BBQ and could adjust from there. It is really just a starting point. When it comes to smoking meat there is no right or wrong way to do it. Everybody has their own way to do things to suit their tastes and figure out what works best for them. For example, some people prefer 225 degrees, some prefer 235 degrees for some meats, and some prefer 250 degrees. One thing you have to remember is that no matter what temperature you prefer or use it could add more time or subtract time than suggested just based on temperature alone. Another factor is the quality of meat that you use. There are just so many variables that play into smoking meat that the only true way to find out what you like and prefer is to practice, practice, practice. It is also a good idea to keep notes on each smoke so you can remember if you think something needs to be adjusted for next time.   
Jimmy, I'm not referring to the guide from the forum.  If you enter the smokin-it website and click on "recipes" there are pictures and smoking directions for 4 or 5 different things ( chicken, pork, salmon, etc).  They are not consistent with the guide you are referring to.
SmokinSusie-Q said:
Jimmy, I'm not referring to the guide from the forum.  If you enter the smokin-it website and click on "recipes" there are pictures and smoking directions for 4 or 5 different things ( chicken, pork, salmon, etc).  They are not consistent with the guide you are referring to.

Susie-Q, I misunderstood what you were referring to. My apologies.  :-[
The Smokin-It website seems to be a whole other animal. The recipes and instructions on there do little to sing the praises of the SI. Quite the opposite. The recipes (very few) and instructions look so "low budget" that I think they probably lose some sales from the "questionable-legit" appearance. I know I was not 100% comfortable, but took a chance - only because I lurked on the forum for a few months. The forum is a completely different experience, and if you bother to check it out, you will buy. If you don't take the time, you might move on.
SmokinSusie-Q said:
Jimmy, I'm not referring to the guide from the forum.  If you enter the smokin-it website and click on "recipes" there are pictures and smoking directions for 4 or 5 different things ( chicken, pork, salmon, etc).  They are not consistent with the guide you are referring to.

Sue, don't pay attention to the recipes on the SI site.  Those were put up when the company was very new, and long before the forum even started.  Although they're not "bad," they don't represent the mountain of information and experience we've put up here! 

Guess I need to poke Steve again to get those off of there, and simply point folks here!
DivotMaker said:
Guess I need to poke Steve again to get those off of there, and simply point folks here!

I think the separate recipe section on the website is a good marketing tool. There just needs to be more recipes that cover more of the basic things everybody likes to smoke. And maybe update the ones that are already on the site with better directions and information. The forum might seem overwhelming to some people if that's the only source of recipes/information. 55% of visitors spend fewer than 15 seconds on a website. There needs be good, simple, basic information on the site itself to keep them from leaving. Then, including links to forum pages would be helpful in getting people directly to a specific forum page, where they might be likely to explore the forum further from there. The forum definitely solidifies SI purchase decisions, but the website needs enough good basic information to drive people to the forum.

I also really LOVE the videos. I think I watched all of them 10 times before I bought my SI. The unfortunate thing is the video of the #1 called "Finished Product", was maybe done before there was a drip pan, and it's dripping grease all over the pavement. Some people might be turned off by that not realizing there is a drip pan. :-[
SconnieQ said:
DivotMaker said:
Guess I need to poke Steve again to get those off of there, and simply point folks here!

I think the separate recipe section on the website is a good marketing tool. There just needs to be more recipes that cover more of the basic things everybody likes to smoke. And maybe update the ones that are already on the site with better directions and information. The forum might seem overwhelming to some people if that's the only source of recipes/information. 55% of visitors spend fewer than 15 seconds on a website. There needs be good, simple, basic information on the site itself to keep them from leaving. Then, including links to forum pages would be helpful in getting people directly to a specific forum page, where they might be likely to explore the forum further from there. The forum definitely solidifies SI purchase decisions, but the website needs enough good basic information to drive people to the forum.

I also really LOVE the videos. I think I watched all of them 10 times before I bought my SI. The unfortunate thing is the video of the #1 called "Finished Product", was maybe done before there was a drip pan, and it's dripping grease all over the pavement. Some people might be turned off by that not realizing there is a drip pan. :-[

I agree with you, Kari.  I think if I had not talked to Steve by phone and read some of the forum comments, I may not have ordered my SI.  The videos helped but definitely need to be updated.  If I had only checked out the recipes to get an idea of the SI's applications, I would not have been impressed. 

So, DM, please talk to Steve. 
Thanks, Sue and Kari, for the input.  That's on the agenda for this weekend!  Both of you are right.  We need some updated recipes on the site, and we also need to direct folks to here for more!  We just need to "wet their whistle," so to speak! ;)
DivotMaker said:
Thanks, Sue and Kari, for the input.  That's on the agenda for this weekend!  Both of you are right.  We need some updated recipes on the site, and we also need to direct folks to here for more!  We just need to "wet their whistle," so to speak! ;)
