Smokin' 2 Turkeys At the Same Time?


New member
I have the model 2 and was wondering if anyone has ever tried or heard of smokin' 2 birds at the same time?  Obviously, one would have to go on the bottom rack underneath the other.  Not sure if that would dramatically affect the cooking time of both. 

My concern would be an extended cook time and running the risk of food safety.  Perhaps I'd have to go down to a pair of 10 lb birds.

Also, I DO NOT have a bypass or Auger to increase the temp.  Would welcome your thoughts and comments.  I'm leaning in the direction of just smoking them separately.
SuperDave said:
pwinscott said:
  I'm leaning in the direction of just smoking them separately.


Tough fit in a #2, and they will not cook evenly.  Stick with a couple of 12-14 lb birds, done separately.  They take less than 4 hours, at 250.  No need to go higher than the 250 your smoker allows.
Thanks for the input.  Yes.  Went with two 14 lb birds.  Brined them 13 hours.  They were done cooking in about 3 hrs 45 min (I didn't stuff them this time).  3 oz of applewood at 250 degrees.  Good stuff!  Brought them to a work party and everyone went nuts.