Smokes on -- 14# brisket in the 2


New member
We invited some folks over kinda last minute for today so I threw together a brisket. 

Unfortunately they didn't have any choice or prime cuts so we got a 14lb select.

I injected it with some beef broth, worchestshire, and some Guinness Thursday night.  Put a sloppy mix of mustard, pepper, salt, and garlic on it yesterday and let it sit out for about 4 hours.

I put it in the 2 about 10pm last night with a small pan of Apple juice.  Got up at 7 this morning and it was at 161.  I wrapped it up and  gonna let it cook until about 190 and let her rest for a while.
This is my 3rd smoke in the 2.  First one was so-so, next was at loyis ribs which were great.  Hoping this goes well also!

Looking good. Good call on injecting since it is select grade. My last one was a select and it came out good...betcha yours comes out good as well  :)
When I started to learn woodworking from my dad he'd say, "don't spare the glue."  That memory popped into my head when I saw you not spare the mustard.  That's awesome! 
Hey Mike good luck on the brisket, that was a great idea on using the injection on the select cut. I might suggest you taking it to 195 internal temp. just my opinion.
I would start testing the brisket for tenderness after the stall. Temps are fine for a general guideline but all protiens are different. When your probe (toothpick) goes in easy like butter and pulls out clean..time to take it off and let it rest for at least 1 hour...............just sayin...........
I'm gettin Hangry!

I pulled it at 195.  Wrapped and it's been in the yeti for an hour or so.  Got another hour or two before meal time.    Looking forward to this one.

Well I Tried to get an after picture but the entire thing disappeared about 2 minutes after I set it down!

8 adults and 8 kids made the whole thing disappear.

Results were good and everyone liked it.  I basically mixed the dalmation rub into the mustard and Im still not real happy with the results...  Trying to find the right amount of rub per lb to use.  Wasn't over salty but it was pretty peppery.

I've got another to do this week and a turkey as well so I'll keep practicing.

I think next time I won't wrap.  The meat was super tender but a little more roastish than I like.  That may be because of the injection and wrap I did.