Smoker Temp question


New member
When running a analog smoker, unloaded or empty with probes staged at four levels (not touching anything), does it make sense it would run about 25* higher than set point. What I mean is, set at 200, it runs an average of 221 to 228, set at 225,  it runs an average of 255. Would not having a load to act absorb temp cause this or do I just need to adjust the temperature knob. I am running a temp test with it empty and perhaps I should load it with a pan of sand, a brick or something, but not sure. The next phase will be several cycles set at 250, but I suspect the same higher average will appear.

Thanks for any direction you might have. Size of smoker a #4.
Doug - I went back through some controller posts to include some of my lame advice.  Also there was a link illustrating how to adjust the controller by removing the knob and repositioning it but the link seems inactive.  You might need a new controller.
Thanks so much Dave. So sorry I have not replied. Got busier than a bumble bee around this house.
About to slow down. The T-Stat checked out fine, It just needs that nob adjustment. Thank again!