Smoked Picanha


I've had a wagyu picanha from Snake River Farms in the freezer for a while, and yesterday it finally got its turn in the smoker. I removed the silverskin from the top and trimmed up the fat cap. I scored the fat cap, but in places I went a little too deep. That fat just melted in my hands as I trimmed it! I seasoned it with SPG (ratio 3 salt - 1 pepper - 2 garlic powder) and let it sit about 4 hours before cooking. I smoked it using 2.1 oz of hickory at 185* with a target of 135* internal. After an hour it seemed it would be ready too soon, so I dropped the smoker to 175* and the timing was perfect. I wrapped it in foil and rested it for about an hour while I cooked a few fillets to go with it, then seared it on a hot grill. I struggled to find the grain, so my slices were a little haphazard, but it didn't matter. I also threw in some fresh corn with it and baked some taters in the oven. My son brought a chimichurri sauce to finish it off. It was sooo good. I really picanha!


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I scored the fat cap before smoking and smoked it fat cap down. After smoking I seared the lean side fist, then the fat side. The fat side caught my propane grill on fire so I ended up terminating the sear a little early.