Smoked eggs..........I am perplexed!!


New member
Hi there.  Smoked deviled eggs are AMAZING.......if you didn't know.  I've done them many times, but apparently haven't paid attention to something.  I just took 30 some hard boiled (baked, actually) eggs out of my MES, using my mailbox mod with an AMNPS using apple pellets and no heat at all, after two hours.

What am I perplexed about, you may be asking?  The color of the eggs.  The tops are the only part that got color, except for the marks the bottom of the eggs got from the rack they were sitting on in the smoker.

How is it possible that the area that should be getting the smoke first, is the part that obviously got the least amount of it based on color?  Like I said, perplexed. ;)

And since I just had a light bulb go off in my head and realized this is the Smokin-It forum, would using my 4D and minimum heat of 100 degrees have made a difference?

If I had the energy right now to take out my camera, take a photo, download it, edit it and save it, I would.  But I don't.  Maybe I'll try one with my cell phone so you can get the idea.


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Could be that the smoke was going up the sides, hitting the top, and then going down on the eggs.

I have done eggs before while cold smoking cheese and I didn't really care for them. I might have left them in the smoke too long because they tasted like ashtrays.
NDKoze said:
Could be that the smoke was going up the sides, hitting the top, and then going down on the eggs.

I have done eggs before while cold smoking cheese and I didn't really care for them. I might have left them in the smoke too long because they tasted like ashtrays.

Thanks, Gregg.  I'm sorry it's been so long since you replied.  I was able to read it, but not reply until just now.  Going through some stuff that's had my attention.

Anyway, thanks for the input.  The last ones I did were in the smoke for two hours and I could barely smell the smoke, but the lady we made them for wouldn't even touch them because of the smell, go figure.  We actually made them for her son, but she was paying for the rehearsal dinner we catered and it was just a bonus we gave them. ;)