Smoked A Small Batch Of Cheese Today


Mainly because I had a couple lbs of Tillamook Extra Sharp White Cheddar winking at me every time I opened the fridge.  :-*
I had a small taste before I put in the smoker and its good! Reminded of the wheel cheese they had on the counter of the grocery store when I was a kid. 3 hrs of pecan sawdust smoke and it darkened up pretty nice too. Colby in the rear. 44* today and temp stayed right at 67. Its edible now but I'll attempt to give it a few days.



I vacuum package mine and try to let it mellow in fridge for 3 weeks. Sometimes I’m not successful, but since I usually do a large amount much of it survives.

Looks awesome BTW!
Thanks! I've still got some from 3 or 4 weeks ago in the fridge so this might make it. Except for the smaller chunk of cheddar.  :D
If you ever have the fortitude and like sharp cheeses, letting them age even longer only intensifies the flavor. I have some that has been aging for over 2 years now and only break one of them out for very special occasions and if shared, they are VERY close friends. ;)
I don't know if I have any friends that I feel THAT close to! Most of 'em get the cheap stuff.
Cheese and beer.  ;D
I'm gonna make it a point to pick up 2-4 lbs every time I'm in Costco and stockup on it.
I love sharp cheese.