Smoke All The Things!


New member
Got my SI1 on Wednesday, my Smokinlicious chunks on Thursday. Squeezed in a quick trip to my local meat market and tossed a rack of St. Louis ribs and a smallish (5 lb) pork butt on right away just shy of 7 am (was the biggest one—I could have asked if they had a larger one in the back, but had to run there between meetings and didn’t have much time.)

I halved the brine recipe that’s pinned on the Pork page for the butt. Hickory and cherry wood, 235, ribs went for 5 hours, got a brush of sauce, and then another 30 before they came out to get swapped with potatoes. The butt hit 192 at around 2:30, got wrapped and coolered, and mac and cheese went in. 12 hours later and I’m finally enjoying all the fruits of my labor ;) Pretty successful first smoke if you ask me! I really appreciate this forum, I got a lot of good advice before I even started!


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Decided to go in whole hog, as it were, haha. Helped things along that I work from home on Fridays and am done by 11, my husband was at work and then a golf fundraiser, and our kid had a friend over. Plenty of time to putter around the kitchen and randomly prep things all day  ;D
Smokin-it has a facebook page.  You can get some good ideas there if you use fb. Even post your successes!
I’ve been popping on and off there recently actually—was keeping my eye out for a good deal ;) I’m actually surprised they don’t have a company-run Facebook group. But I’m probably just spoiled with my Anova!
Looks awesome!  First attempt at St. Louis ribs tomorrow, hope to be enjoying them as the Bruins work toward a game 7 back at the Gahden!

How about posting the mac 'n cheese recipe.

Someone else posted it on the forum, which is how I stumbled across it. It’s a winner.