Small Pork Spareribs


New member
I picked these up today, this will be my second attempt at ribs the first were baby backs, I am not sure why the word Small in on the label? Are these just regular spareribs? Anyway at $1.59 a lb I thought I would give them a try, the rack weighs 4.77 lbs. I cut them in half to fit in the #2,left the membrane on, slathered with yellow mustard, and put a liberal amount of Memphis Dust on them, covered with plastic wrap and put them in the refrigerator to sit over night to get happy. My plan is to take them out in the morning about 7, put them in the smoker about 8 with 3 oz hickory, small loaf pan with apple juice beside smoke box, let them go about 6 hours at 225 with no peaking. Check with toothpick, when ready, place in ice chest covered with towels until time to eat, which should be about 5:30. Any suggestions? Mark


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It has been 5 hours, pulled out the potatoes, had some pull back on some of the bones, did the tooth pick test, seemed to be tender, pulled off the little baby rib on the end, it seemed a little tough, decided to go another hour before next check. 
At almost 6 hours, I pulled them put my wife's BBQ sauce on them and put them back in, tasted that little end piece, tooth pick test seemed a little tough, let them go another half hour or so and check them again. 
Pulled at 7 hrs. wrapped in aluminium foil, placed in ice chest filled to top with towels with the potatoes underneath the ribs. Final verdic when the wife gets home at 5:30, so they will have a 2 hour rest in the ice chest.
They were good David, bone came out clean when pulled very good taste, but the wife prefers the baby backs so I guess that is what I will probably stick with to keep mama happy. Really like the Memphis Dust and the wife makes some really good sauce.
Glad the ribs turned out well.  My wife also made bbq sause, a mix of honey and Open Pit (not sure if that is even available any more).  Now she uses Sue Bee Honey BBQ sauce. Pretty tasty stuff.
Membrane on or off is a personal choice. Leaving it on does keep the ribs more moist. Try pulling off half the membrane next time you smoke and compare.