small brook trout


New member
Hi ! Charlevoix county in Québec is along the St-Lawrence, shaped like a hoseshoe and all the little lakes and streams have nothing in them but brook trout. In the streams, 7-8 inches is the norm, and they are really tasty. My little smoker does a nice job with salmon and lake trout, but how does one go about smoking a mess of small trout ? Practically impossible to fillet, I think; do we open them up with toothpicks ? Do we flatten them out first ? I hope someone has tried this ! Thanks for your time and have a nice summer, y'all ! Gary.
I remember seeing a picture in a history book when I was a kid back in the '50's depicting the indigenous smoking/cooking fish.  They skewered through the tails and hung them over a smokey fire. I imagine you could do something similar and get quite a few in your smoker this way. And no, I have not done this.  I fry fish.