Si #2 Wont get above 210 w/Auber


New member
Hey I'm new to the Auber just received mine last week. I done the autotune and then the next day smoked some wings and ribs. The Auber was set to 225* The smoker would not get above 205*. Finally after 3 hours i unplugged the smoker from the Auber and used the regular thermostat on my SI. temp went right up to 230*. Any ideas??? I had my thermostat all the way up on 250* while the smoker was plugged into the Auber. Any help??
Not sure why the auto-tune did not work for you.  Try setting the Auber for temp and time per the instructions.
Hi Chilly!

Glad to have you with us!  Sorry it took a problem to get you here, but all's good.  Now that you are here, I hope you'll stick around and join in the fun.  We love to solve problems, and will help.  But, we also like to know our new friends.  So, how about adding a first name and town to your signature line?

Before we can troubleshoot with you, we need more information. 

1.  What model of smoker are you using?

2.  What model of Auber did you purchase?

3.  Describe how you did the autotune, and what were the results for P, I and D settings?

4.  Are you using an extension cord on either the smoker, or the Auber?  If so, what length/gauge?

5.  Are you using a large drip pan, or water pan, between the smoke box and the meat?

This information will be very helpful!
I am using a Smoking-It model 2 smoker. I purchased the Auber WSD1200GPH. The first time I done the AutoTune I just went into the settings and found At and pressed the + key to number 1 then exited out then it flashed between At and the temp for about 10 hours. I had a pan of water between the smoke box and the temp probe. I then redone the AutoTune but this time I used a bread loaf pan with water and set the temp for 225 for 3.0 hours and all the other settings to zero. I have done the Auto Tune with the smoker empty just the loaf pan of water no wood or anything. After the second Auto Tune the numbers are:
P 68
I 662
D 165

The smoker will now get to 225* and hold there however if I try to go to 250* the smoker will get to 249* and then drops way down to 228* to 230* and stays there. Sorry I am totally new to this. I have since ordered the wall mount probe instead of the drop in then I will do another AutoTune.
What is the correct Temperature and program to run during the AutoTune? The instructions are very confusing and vague. Also do I need meat or wood chip in the smoker during the AutoTune. Also when the unit stopped flashing between the At and Temp and just had the Temp displayed I just shut the machine off as I thought it was finished with the AutoTune.
Thanks Hope this makes sense to you.
Donald, you can't do an autotune in an empty smoker, and expect to get good results!  Please follow the procedure, posted under Auber Instructions.  You MUST have a heat sink in there to simulate a meat load (a few bricks, a pan of sand, or anything heat-tolerant to absorb/hold the heat, like meat does).  The smoker needs to be set up as close as possible to actual cooking conditions, or your numbers will be off.  And, you're right - you can shut off the smoker after the At stops flashing.

Auber Autotune Instructions

Try this again, with something in there, and let us know how it goes.
Ok I will try that and let you know. Also What should I program the Auber to before I start the Autotune? What temp?? and should I use multiple cycles with  a series of different temps? Thanks for the help
Don, it appears that you aren't reading the instructions correctly.  Step 1 lays the temps and cycle time out for you specifically.  Did you click on the pdf link that Divot provided? 
I am sorry I don't mean to be a bother. I have read the instructions and it says to refer to section 7 and 8 for autotuning.
Under AT it says:
Set AT to 1 then exit the menu. The display will start to flash alternately between AT and the current water bath temperature, which indicates auto-tuning is in progress. When display stops flashing, the auto tuning is finished. Now the newly calculated parameters will store in memory even when the controller is restarted.
Maybe I don't have the correct instructions. These instructions seem very hard to understand. Sorry for troubling you. I will call Auber i guess and see if I can get help from them. Thanks for all your time.
No trouble but I think you might be reading the wrong instructions.  There is a better set of instructions on the SI site.  It more clearly explains setting up the 3 program cycles, temps and times.  Is this the instructions that you are reading or something from Auber?  See "Auber Auto Tune Instructions" provided here.
Donald, the link in my post points to the autotune instructions sticky, here on the forum.  There's a .pdf attachment on the very first post of the link.  Try that.
Thanks Guys The link worked and those instructions make perfect sense. I was reading the instructions that came with the Auber and really had no clue about the Autotune. These are great Thank you so much. Im gonna install the wall mount probe then do the Autotune. Thanks again for all your help.
The wall mount probe is a must, in my book.  The drop-in can have drastic variations in temperature, and the fixed probe eliminates all of that.  It's not required, but I also recommend bypassing the stock controller for Auber use.  You can install the switch, to go bypass or stock, if you like.  If you take the "middle man" (stock controller) out of the picture, you eliminate one potential bottleneck in the path from the Auber to the element.  Most problems I've seen, like yours, seem to involve the analog controller.  Personally, if I have the Auber control my smoker, I want the Auber to control my smoker. Period.  Just my 2¢, and you'll already have the back off anyways!
Installed the wall mount probe and bypassed the analog controller redone the Autotune with a large brick and water pan. Here are the numbers after Autotune
P- 57
I- 600
D- 291

Don't really know a whole lot about this Auber yet are these numbers good??
Was the water pan on the floor of the smoker, or on a shelf above the smoke box?  And, the best way to find out if the numbers are good is to either smoke something, or set it to 225 for 2 hours, setup like it was for the autotune, and just see if the temp holds steady.
Good deal - let us know how it goes!  Numbers are pretty much in line.  Every smoker tunes a little different.  In my 2, I get P=62, I=902, D=112.  Works great, but that's my smoker.  You're may work great, too.  Only way to know is to try! :)