Should my 2 Butts be in the stall this early?

Papa Rick

New member
Got 2 butts yesterday at Sam's Club.  Total wt was 15 lbs.  One was a 9 lb and one 6 lb.  Brined them using the GREAT brine solution on here!
Outside Temp was 30 when I put them on and set it on 235. Below is the temp readings hourly with 1 being the 9 lb.
The last 2 butts I did were the equal size so they fit on the same rack.  These would not fit so put the bigger one 2 racks from the bottom and smaller one 2 racks from the top.  5 Rack Shelf .

My other butt smoke did not do the stall this soon?  I checked the power light for and it is coming on and off and I have never had any problem with my temp not working right.

Could it be the outside Temp has this much to do with it?  Last 2 Butt smoking outside Temp was 68, butts were same weight, just equal size and on the same rack.
Started at 4:40 am cst.
5:40  1-63    2-84
6:40  1-109  2-131
7:40  1-136  2-147
8:40  1-149  2-158
9:40  1-158  2-165
10:40 1-165  2-171
11:40 1-169  2-171
12:40 still same temp on both of them.  If this is the stall it is the first ever having it do this long.  My other 2 butts were done at 8 hours 35 minutes.  I checked the power light and saw it go off and then back on so I guess it is still working.

I had a single probe Thermoworks and just put it down the smoke hole where it is not touching anything and it is showing 230, so I guess this stall is just that a stall.

Not sure if it shows anywhere to put a thermometer on a top shelf to keep a watch on the temp being correct or not and if so could someone let me know.

I really appreciate it very much.

How long does this stall usually last?

I have had 10 lb butts finish as in little as 10 hours and on the long side 18 hours, so I would not worry.

WHEW Greg,  Thanks, I guess you could tell I was starting to get concerned a great deal.  This is just my 2nd Butt Smoke as stated my first one went smooth and looked for this one to do the same as well.  It is still going smooth, just didn't know about the stall.  Just checked my Temp reading and the large Butt has come up to 171 so that is encouraging, but really thought the smaller one 6 lb would be cooking quicker.
Papa Rick said:
WHEW Greg,  Thanks, I guess you could tell I was starting to get concerned a great deal.  This is just my 2nd Butt Smoke as stated my first one went smooth and looked for this one to do the same as well.  It is still going smooth, just didn't know about the stall.  Just checked my Temp reading and the large Butt has come up to 171 so that is encouraging, but really thought the smaller one 6 lb would be cooking quicker.

Hey Richard,

Every smoke is a bit different, but if you cook by temp you will be good.

Thanks Greg, is there a set way to place the extra thermometer probe in when I do the next smoke, or is it ok just to let it hang in from the smoke hole?  I have it fixed so the wire is not touching any part of the metal.  The temp so far has been reading between 225 and 245.
Papa Rick said:
Thanks Greg, is there a set way to place the extra thermometer probe in when I do the next smoke, or is it ok just to let it hang in from the smoke hole?  I have it fixed so the wire is not touching any part of the metal.  The temp so far has been reading between 225 and 245.

I only use the probes on the meat and don't monitor the box temp at all. It is normal for the temp to vary and the most important thing is to monitor the temp of the meat.

Will do when done. Didn't think about it this morning.  The other 2 butts I did turned out awesome.  I tell you this smoker can really make you look like your really good at this smoking.  I had (still do haven't used them in over a year) two charcoal grills/smoker and it was a hit/miss deal with them if you couldn't keep the temp steady.

I have done quite a few ribs, Turkey Breast, one brisket, and now on my 2nd Butt smoke.  People who have tested the food all think I am a Master Chef, but I tell them it is not me but the smoker. 
Your temps sound totally normal. I've had butts get into the stall temp pretty quickly. But the stall can last for what seems like an eternity. Embrace the stall. As others have put it on this forum, it's where the "magic happens". Butts can easily take 2 hours per pound. Sometimes even as long 3 hours per pound! Smaller butts (6 lbs or less) seem to take longer than normal size butts (8-10 lbs) for some reason. So I wouldn't be surprised at all if both of your different sized butts come up to final temp and are done at the same time!
Thanks Kari, I appreciate it very much.  You were right on the money about the smaller butt 6lb taking as long as the bigger one was done.  11 1/2 hours I pulled them with Large one at 190 and smaller butt at 192.  Wrapped them in double foil and rested for an hour.  Gave my Sister and her family the big one and I kept the small one for my wife and I.

Man these 2 butts took 3 hours longer, everything in the prep was the same including the wood to smoke with.  But the stall is really magic, WOW is all I can say, as I thought my first try at this 3 months ago was good, but didn't have any stall at all on them.

Sorry, I said I would get pics, but my phone did not save them as I thought it wood.  THANKS Greg and Kari for all the help and advice!
Hey Richard,

Glad to help out and give back some of the things I have learned here.

No worries on the pics, let us know how the butts turned out!

Funny thing about times and stalls, Rick... meat is made by animals, and their quality-control is not very consistent!  That's the "black magic" about BBQ!  It's never totally predictable!  I've had butts take a little over an hour per pound, and have occasionally had them go 2!  I've also seen them stall twice.  They start climbing out of the initial several-hour-long stall, then stop climbing again.  You just never know.  Best to allow enough time, and be thankful if it finishes early! ;)
Thanks Greg and Tony.  These were by far the best I have ever tasted and it was not because of my great expertise but rather from doing the brining solution and then letting them do what I read on here. 

Although I must admit when they just stalled for the period they did I was quite nervous thinking something was wrong.

These smokers, I really don't ever plan on going back to the old way unless we lose power and then I have a generator that can power it for a few days. 

Before I dreaded doing all of the stuff because you had to babysit the old charcoal smokers and watch the temp like a newborn baby.  But with the Smokin It # 2, wow I actually sit down and figure out what all I will be doing while it is doing its thing.  Awesome!

The only thing I have done that did not turn out with shock and awe was a brisket.  I had never done one and saw a video on how to trim the fat and I really believe I cut way too much fat off and it caused it to be less than what I thought it should be. 

I will be trying another one in the future and look forward to the advice and wisdom from everyone on here to help make it a great success.
Don't try to figure it out I had a 9 lbs stall on me for 6 hours and a 7 lbs that was done ready to eat in 8 hours. Both were tender and tasty. They were bought from the same butcher same farm. Unless you want to lose your mind don't try to figure pork butts out just smoke and eat.
Hulk said:
Don't try to figure it out I had a 9 lbs stall on me for 6 hours and a 7 lbs that was done ready to eat in 8 hours. Both were tender and tasty. They were bought from the same butcher same farm. Unless you want to lose your mind don't try to figure pork butts out just smoke and eat.
