Hi Wolfdog, and welcome to the coolest Q forum in town! 8) Ok, I'm a little biased. I, too, was considering MES and Bradleys before I (fortunately) happened upon SI! So glad I did!
I have a #1 and a #2 that get used quite frequently. The "Little Guy" has been a tank; it's like "Old Faithful!" The website hasn't been changed yet, but the #1s now have a 400 watt element (up from 350). It is a very efficient and reliable unit, but limited in size. The #2 is also incredible. It gets used with the Auber PID exclusively.
Two things: Size - Use your budget, and the number of people you smoke for, as a guide to the size. I cook for 2 adults and a 15 year old boy that eats like 2 adults. I have never been let down with the #1. But, I'm limited to 1 pork butt (8-10 lbs), one brisket, one good-size chicken, and 3 racks of baby back ribs. If you need to smoke for a bigger crowd, think larger. You can always smoke less in a larger unit, but maintain the flexibility to blow it out for a big crowd!
The other thing: You mentioned "no timer." If you cook by internal meat temp (highly recommended), you don't need a timer. The only thing I truly smoke by time is ribs, and even that is flexible (depending on how done they are when I check). The idea is to use an external thermometer and watch the temp. A good thermometer, like the Maverick ET-732 or 733 will help you keep track of time and temp.
However, if you want unbelievably accurate control of the smoker, with 6 steps of programmable perfection, and a "timer" capability (that puts all others to shame, including digital smokers that cost 3 times as much), add the Auber PID controller to the smoker. Stupid accurate and consistent. This is a "scientific" instrument adapted to the smoker, and it is incredible. The Auber can hold temps +/- 1-2°.
Hit us with all the questions you can! You'll find a large number of very happy owners/users here, and we're here to help!