Seasoning Run questions


New member
I put 3 pieces of the hickory that came with the unit and ran for 4 hours at 250 deg.  Not all of the wood burned. I did have the additional chip grate in the smoker box. Still have a nice coating on the inside of the box. See images

Is it normal for the wood not to be fully consumed?

Do I have to do a second seasoning run ?



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Yes, this is pretty normal Peter.  For long smokes, the wood is usually reduced to ash, but for shorter smokes, the wood will be charred.  Nevertheless, you did get a lot of smoke from the wood!
That's normal. You can tell where the smoker is hotter by looking at the wood box. Mine is hotter in the back than the front. I don't know which way yours is oriented in the picture but it appears yours is the same way. So the wood in the rear sometimes gets completely consumed while the front does not. Your good to go now. I always recommend a bone in Boston butt as a first smoke because it is a long smoke and really adds to the seasoning already there. Good luck Peter!
Hey Peter as the others have said this looks normal, just remember where the wood did not burn as much and can put wood there on longer smokes. On mine I pretty much always just end up with chard coal except on my long smokes will get ash also. Now get some meat in that smoker and good luck.
Peter, the chip screen slows the heat to the wood.  You would have had ash without it.  What you got is not bad, though.
I couldn't actually cook anything in mine until 4 days after I got it....but I did season it everyday.....sure cant hurt to get the inside seasoned up extra before the grub goes in.............
Hey Peter, If you want that one piece of hickory that did not burn you can use it on your next smoke. I often times do this and does not hurt anything. I would suggest either a slab of ribs or a boston butt for your first smoke. But, looks like your good to go.