Sauerkraut Sausage?


Yes, my family is having our annual sausage making weekend this weekend and one of the things we are going to try/experiment with is making Sauerkraut Sausage.

I bought a ring of Sauerkraut sausage at a small town German meat market this Fall and it was delicious. So, we're going to see if we can replicate this great sausage by adding the sauerkraut to our family sausage recipe.

Has anyone tried this? If so, do you have any tips?

From what I can tell, it is recommended to saute the sauerkraut to reduce some of the moisture and enhance the flavor.

My current plan is to add about 6 pounds of kraut to our standard 35 pound batch and see how it goes. we are doing 4 total batches so, this one will just be a 1/4 of the sausage.

Then we'll have to grind/package/freeze the rest which will be made into snack sticks and venison bacon another weekend. It is actually going to be a smaller amount this year than we normally do at 300 lbs versus our normal 400+ lbs. This is spread between four families, so it is not as much as it seems. :)

More information to come early next week or this weekend with an update and pictures if I remember to take any. :)
I’ll be interested in hearing how this turns out. I’ve never made this, so have no tips

But, will you be making your own kraut for this?
That would really be awesome, but I have not ventured into the homemade sauerkraut yet.

I know the resort owner out at my lake place makes a bunch every year, so I might just talk to him about that this summer. :)
When you figure out the recipe. please post it. I did a quick search and didn't find any recipes.

One of my favorite dishes is a sausage, potato, sauerkraut and apple made in a slow cooker or instant pot. So I think a sauerkraut sausage would be great tasting.
I was reading something the other day and can not find it now, about how Sauerkraut and pork sausage became common to eat together, I think it had something to do with the lactic acid helping the digestion of pork.
We always include pork sausage and sauerkraut in our knefla along with some potatoes and sometimes crumbled bacon. Sometimes we just use pork roast and the kraut.

One of my favorite meals that my Mom made for our family and I still occasionally make is to heat up 1-2 pounds of sauerkraut and add a pack of hot dogs spread apart in the kraut and let them all come to temp together in the same pan.

She would also make a big batch of mashed potatoes and we would mix and combine a good chunk of kraut with the mashed potatoes on our plates. This combination of kraut and mashed potatoes is awesome and I could eat just that. But, we would then cut up the hot dogs into little slices and take a forkful of mashed potatoes and a slice of hotdog in each bite. Man that is making me hungry for this right now!

I will definitely report back with our results and hopefully some pictures if I can remember to take some.

Homemade kraut is one of the most simple things you can make. You just need some sort of crock. Can be a cheaper type or one of the more expensive ones. I love the crock I have, have made many pounds of kraut, pickles and Kim chi with it.

For those of you that like kraut, I highly recommend trying making a batch at home! You will love the outcome, especially when paired with some great sausage and potatoes!

Let me know if you want to try it, I’ll send you the recipe I use, which is really 5 heads of green cabbage sliced thin, kosher salt and then I add a little juniper berry and red chile flake. It’s really that simple.
I agree, homemade kraut is far superior to canned, and easy to make. You don't even need a fancy crock, just a large jar (I've made it in a 64 oz pickle jar). That said, I do have 2 crocks that I love.
Just an FYI, the Krautwurst turned out AWESOME!!!

I will add a more comprehensive write-up this week with some pics and even a funny video (at least funny to me) of our weekend.

We are now wishing that we would have made more of this.