Santa Maria BBQ Time!


New member
I have been wanting to try this for a long time so I tried it out on my church small group. I used DivotMaker's (Thanks Tony!) approach for the meat and beans and added the rest just because I could!  :) Did the beans a day ahead so they would have a chance to mellow. I usually find beans are better the second day. Smoked the tri-tips at 210 with 6 oz sugar maple to IT of 128. Got done in 1.5 hours which was way earlier than I expected. So I wrapped them in foil and then did the reverse sear at the last minute. Made regular cold slaw and my sourdough cornbread recipe. Berry Cobbler for dessert. Forgot to get a picture of that! The whole deal had the folks raving. Really tasty and the tri-tips turned out great.


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Man that looks fantastic Bob!  Wish we lived close enough to attend your church small group :)

My wife and I were just talking about tri-tips yesterday because I've never heard of (before joining this forum) or had one but saw some pre-marinated ones for sale at Sam's this past week and I told her I was going to get a couple and see how they tasted.  Now I know I'm gonna have to try them.

Bob, Congrats on a great looking meal !
Dave has it right.....Sure wouldn't mind being your neighbor!
Outstanding, Bob!!  Great-looking meal!  If you get a chance to try some red oak, do it!  It really makes the taste authentic! 
Nimrod said:
Man that looks fantastic Bob!  Wish we lived close enough to attend your church small group :)

My wife and I were just talking about tri-tips yesterday because I've never heard of (before joining this forum) or had one but saw some pre-marinated ones for sale at Sam's this past week and I told her I was going to get a couple and see how they tasted.  Now I know I'm gonna have to try them.

I never had tri-tip until I got on this forum either (although I had heard of it and it's regional significance). Tri-tip is not very common here. I'm only aware of one place here that stocks them. I followed Tony's (DM) recipe, made his beans, and used Red Oak for wood. Tri-tip has a fantastic flavor! It also made me a huge fan of red oak on beef. If you are trying tri-tip for the first time, one thing I would suggest is watching some youtube videos on how to slice it. The grain runs in a weird way and kind of changes directions a little, and how you slice it makes all the difference between tender or chewy.
Thanks Kari!  That means a LOT, that you liked the Santa Maria twist!  ;D  I think I'm making it this weekend!
DivotMaker said:
Thanks Kari!  That means a LOT, that you liked the Santa Maria twist!  ;D  I think I'm making it this weekend!
We probably have fairly similar meat supply as your area Tony so where do you find the tri-tip in Arkansas?  Our Sam's carries meat from IBT but the tri-tip I found there is the pre-marinated pack alongside the corned beef.  Not sure how that will compare with yours or Bob's but I think I may go pick one up today and find out.
Hey Dave, I asked about tri tip at the sams  in Lufkin and he said the marinated one was all they had. I asked if they could order it and he said they order off of a form sent to them from upper management. The regular tri tip isn't on the list and neither is pork bellies. I expressed my disappointment but he said his hands were tied. I also asked why they only have select grade brisket and not choice or prime he said he couldn't answer that one either. I just rolled my eyes and left.
drains said:
Hey Dave, I asked about tri tip at the sams  in Lufkin and he said the marinated one was all they had. I asked if they could order it and he said they order off of a form sent to them from upper management. The regular tri tip isn't on the list and neither is pork bellies. I expressed my disappointment but he said his hands were tied. I also asked why they only have select grade brisket and not choice or prime he said he couldn't answer that one either. I just rolled my eyes and left.

Unfortunately that is the experience you are going to get at Sam's or Costco. They don't really have a butcher or meat department you can talk to. They just have what they have. I would not buy Select grade brisket. I would try to contact Sam's online or corporate and continue to pester them about your requests. The local store people are right, they have no control over those decisions of what to carry. Even though they could put in a request on your behalf, they probably won't. Do you have a Costco nearby? My Costco has Prime packer briskets, and large slabs of skinless pork belly (10-12 pounds). It does not have tri-tip though. I have to go to a local meat supplier for that.
Good info Dale And Kari.  I think our closest Costco is about 1 1/2 hours away.

I know it wont be the same as Bob's but got the pre-marinated version and trying it tonite.
SconnieQ said:
Unfortunately that is the experience you are going to get at Sam's or Costco. They don't really have a butcher or meat department you can talk to. They just have what they have.

This must be a regional thing.  My local Sam's has a full-on butcher shop, and will gladly do custom cuts, or find things in the back for you.  I buy full tri-tips there that are very good (USDA Choice), and are already well-trimmed (which means I'm not paying for a pound of fat that I'm trimming off later).  Our briskets are Choice, at a minimum, and occasionally Prime.  Must be a store-by-store thing, because I couldn't be happier with the service I get at mine.  No Costcos here, in the heart of WalMart land, so I can't comment on them, though.