Salmon smoking schedule


New member
Hello, smoking some salmon on my new 3DW today. I’d like to take advantage of having a proper smoker than can actually smoke at the lower temps my kamado couldn’t handle. Anyone have a good schedule recommendation? I’m not sure what temp it starts producing smoke and I don’t want to go too high and dry it out. TIA
Porkchop said:
Hello, smoking some salmon on my new 3DW today. I’d like to take advantage of having a proper smoker than can actually smoke at the lower temps my kamado couldn’t handle. Anyone have a good schedule recommendation? I’m not sure what temp it starts producing smoke and I don’t want to go too high and dry it out. TIA

Are you planning to "cold smoke" or "hot smoke"?  I have an SI model 2 analog and, and in stock configuration, it won't go low enough to cold smoke; I understand cold smoking can be tricky as well.

Hot smoking  produces excellent results with my model 2.  I follow the recipe here:, including curing the salmon before cooking.  It takes a couple days to complete the entire process, but results are exceptional.
I use a dry brine (with cure #1) overnight. Take the fish out of fridge in morning and let it sit on counter or table for 2-3 hours to develop a pellicle.  and put in cold smoker.  Smoker has 4-6 oz of alder wood for smoke. On my #3, it will start smoking with temp set to 150. I wait until smoke starts then turn temp down to 110-120 for an hour. Then up to 130-140 for an hour or two.  Then raise smoker temp to 150-160 until the internal temp of the fish gets to 140.
I find the slower and lower I smoke, the less albumin (white stuff) comes out.
In Steven Raichlen's book, Project Smoke, he describes hot smoking 225-250, Warm Smoking 165 and cold smoking 65-85.  I think these are loose numbers and every smoker is different, but you can get the drift.  For smoking salmon, I like to warm smoke at 160.
I would like to try a salmon smoke on my #2. I see many guys with other smokers like to baste the fish every so often. Is this a no no with the smokin it smoker .
I don't baste at all once I rinse off the brine an let a pelicle form.
I might do a honey-whiskey glaze at the end of the smoke once in a great while.
Lonzinomaker, when you say you sometimes baste at the end. You mean after you remove from smoker or yo7 baste and return to smoker for a brief period? Thanks
It depends on how dry the fish looks, really dry I pull the fish and put the glaze on. Wet looking, I leave fish in for a little longer after glazing to help glaze stick.