Salmon Lox


New member
Check this out people........

Looks good.  Sort of like the amaza - smoke insert? 

What caught my eye was 16 hours?  Really it burns that long?

And no more than 80 degrees ?

Love lox on a bagel with philly cream cheese.

Anyway, take a look.
jcboxlot said:
Love lox on a bagel with philly cream cheese.

I love Bagels and Lox too!  16 hours does seem a bit long to me.  I have always done something like 5 hours.  I always just pull them out when they start to sweat.  I do like that smoke generator though.  I have seen larger units used in large wooden smoke houses that look very similar but I like the idea of having a small one I can use in a "residential" smoker.  I think I'll have to pick one up.  Thank you for posting the link!