rookie wanting to get into hobby


New member
for about ten years I've been telling myself i want to start smoking the fish and game i harvest.  i almost bought a smoker yesterday but after reading the reviews i decided that if i get one might as well get a good one. right now I'm trying to smoke some trout on a weber gas grill and failing miserably. a couple of my buddys are into it. one has an egg thing [to much work] the other has a cheap electric smoker. i found out today it works like crap when i asked him to smoke the fish for me and he said he can't because he has something  to do and has to watch it constantly. I'm thinking about the 2d or 1d    set it and forget yes I'm lazy. I'm thinking 2d because to get 8 to10 trout or so in there i would need the extra room . of course the 1 is less expensive but i don't want to buy it twice. just looking for some opinions on which one to go with thanks mike
First, welcome from SE Arizona.  Size is a budget and quantity thing. How much do you want to smoke at one time? I think the 2D would work well based upon the amount of trout you say you want to smoke.  It will also serve you well for ribs, butts, brisket, fowl, and the like.  If you go into multiples like several butts or briskets larger is better as in the model 3.  And you can smoke less in a larger smoker.  So budget and future needs should be your guide.

I am with old sarge, bigger is better. I have the analog and enjoy it. I know I can't time it and walk away but  that is what alarms are for.

for the same money you can get a 3 analog and have more room than you will need. I have found with my 2 I make some amazing cue and tend to want to cook for more and more people. now I am thinking of a 3 or 3D!!!.
I am sure I could do all I need with one of those.

I don't mean to scare you off or confuse you , I find the 2 very adequate but  sometimes I want a little more

M1, welcome!  I would recommend the 2/2D at a minimum, but really recommend the 3/3D!  Yes, it's more $, but you just can't substitute the depth of the 3, when you need it!  You can always smoke less in a 3, but can never smoke more in a smaller unit.  I love the #2, but there's no electric on the market that has the depth of the 3 (20").  That means full packer brisket and full racks of ribs - or anything else that's long and you want to smoke intact. 

Whichever way you go, you won't regret the quality of what you are getting, or the quality of the food you can make in them!  Plus, you have the best 24/7 "tech support" right here, with all of us happy owners!
Welcome from Delaware, M1!  I am with the others...go as big as you can, but at a minimum I would recommend the #2 model.
Get a 3 without the digital. You will never be lacking space. The digital is nice but so very unnecessary to make good food. You can always add it later if you really want it, you cant add space.
I'm with Pork Belly on this one. Get the #3 and add the pid later if you want to. You can't add space later. By the way Welcome From Texas!

The #3D is great and I would try to save for one verses the #2D.

But, if it was a choice between the #3 and a #2D, I would choose the #3 without question. I typically just smoke for me and my two boys and frequently need/appreciate the space/length of the #3. I occasionally smoke for larger groups, but even if I never did that I would still want the #3.
Hey M1, Welcome  from Northeastern MA. As others have said go for the #3 if you can swing it.
As for myself I have the "Little Guy" but for the one time I could have used more real estate...I'm wishing I went bigger!
The other thing about the 3 is the heating element. it is 50% larger.
I am assuming (I have the 2)  I can cook more meat in this than the 2. this is based on heater not just space.

that makes the 3 a hands down choice. buy once cry once. I thought my 2 was enough, nope, 5 months later getting ready to order a 3
thanks for all the input I'm thinking of getting the 3d do it once. i was looking at the seafood racks they are extra but didn't know if the price was for one or three. also couldn't seem to find a link of what the shipping was, I'm at 06611 in ct. going to try and get home early tomorrow to give them a call. 
M1, great decision!  The price on the new seafood racks is for one.  If you want to hold-off on the extra racks, you can use something like Q-Matz from  I use these, on my standard racks, for jerky and anything small that will fall through.  The seafood racks are great, but I don't use them enough to justify the cost.
Thanks Tony, I will take a look at the Qmats!

If you go with the  grates, I will warn you from smokin it, the shipping is almost as much as a grate! at least in the north east.
It is therefore better to buy grates with the smoker to save shipping if possible. I don't think you need more than 2 if you go that way. at least I get by on 1 80% of the time.

of course we already  talked you into the 3, now grates.. we have no problem spending your money!!! it's your call....
M1, I just pulled the trigger on the 3D yesterday myself.  I had a similar debate with the 2D or 3D but for $100 the 3D seemed worth it to me.  I used to settle a lot more when I was younger but a lot of times I would end up wasting money because I wouldn't be happy and I'd end up going back for what I wanted to get the first time.

Shipping was $136 for me so it will add a bit to the cost.  You can put the item in your cart and get an exact shipping cost before you commit to the sale.
We have had a few discussions on this. I have pasted a couple below, but you might find more by searching: